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"Old Sayings"


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These are the ones I can remember from my family. My Mother and her family were French speaking Cajun and my Fathers parents and other family members still spoke French when I was a kid so some of the sayings I had to translate.


Like a chicken with its head cut off.


Scarce as hen's teeth.


Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth


Like shlt through a goose.


Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other.


As busy as a one armed paper hanger in a windstorm with jock-itch and no fingernails.


Close only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades.


Shlt fire and save matches.


Conniption fit.


The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.


Cut your nose off to spite your face.


No skin off my nose.


Like the pot calling the kettle black.


As nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs


As ugly as homemade sin.


Like letting the Fox guard the hen house.


He would take the quarters off a corpse's eyes.


Rode hard and put up wet.


Ignorance is bliss and you're a happy camper.


Fine as a frog's hair split three ways.

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Smart as a fart in a gale of wind.


If brains were dynamite:

you couldn’t blow your nose.

you couldn’t blow up a paper bag.


I’ll be all over you like:

white on rice.

flies on ..

bees on honey.


Not the sharpest:

knife in the drawer.

tool in the shed.


When they were passing out brains, you thought they said:

trains and you missed yours.

pains and you said, “No thanks.”

rain and you brought an umbrella.


When you found the Fountain of Knowledge, you must have only gargled.


When you were born, they threw away the mold.


When you were born, your parents sued the hospital.


You look like you were beat with an ugly stick.


Like a mad dog in a meat market.


Like a bull in a china shop.


Sometimes I sit and think, other times I . and stink.


You can’t get blood from a turnip.

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You could'nt hit the bottom of a lake if you were drwoning in it.


If I had a nickel for everytime I did that.


I found it in the last place I looked. (well frigin duh, why would you keep looking if you found it in the first place you looked?)


You fell out of the ugly tree, and hit every branch on the way down.


Use your left hand to catch your ., and your right hand to catch what you wish you had, see which one fills up first.


Opinion's are like a$$hole's, everyone's got one, your's just doesnt matter.


Woman are like politician's, it's only a good idea if they think they came up with it.

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Looks like your face caught on fire and somebody put it out with a wet ice-pick.


A perfect match, your face and my butt.


That man has a face for Radio!


A personal favorite of mine...

I'll smack you so hard, by the time you stop rolling, your clothes will be out of style.


Then there was the one that brought ultimate fear when your Grandma said it...

Go cut me a switch!

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"Make like a tree and sp... Get the **** out of here"

"Those in glass houses who throw stones ******* sink ships"

"YOu need a proverb book because this mix and match aint working""

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"Make like a tree and sp... Get the **** out of here"

"Those in glass houses who throw stones ******* sink ships"

"YOu need a proverb book because this mix and match aint working""



Heh, good movie.

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On Fidelity--

You can work up an appetite any where you want, as long as you eat at home.


Additions to previous posts,

Not the sharpest pencil in the cup

Not the brightest star in the sky

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Make like a big dog and GIT!


Make like a tree and leaf.


Make like a banana and split.


Make like a shepherd and get the sheep outta here.


Make like a shepherd and get the flock outta here.


Make like a hockey player and get the puck outta here.


Make like the tide and roll.

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