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I Made A Boo Boo

howie b

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or if you guys want to try something else besides the software route then you have two options..

#1 Buy a dig doc 5 or some other third party hardware thermo probe..


#2 Buy a cheap temp display from Home depot, Radio Shack, just to get your case temps!

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Hay, i got a sugestion. Get a very good heatsink! My grandfathers computer running at 2.4 Ghz 400Mhz fsb was pullin a temp around 57C. IDLE, overclocked about 18%. So we got a realy nice heatsink, rigged the thing up with a small fan, by using some ceramic stuff. Like glue, this brought the temp down to about 39C at an IDLE. To take the temp we were using laser thromomiter. Also, my friend Nate has a watercooling system in his AMD running the same speed as you or just about the same speed. He hets a very good temp. Just some sugestions, im not made of money so??? What can i say lol, pardon my spelling and good luck!! ;):P

o ya, try this, its new http://www.coolermaster.com/index.php?LT=e...ACB-V83+JET%207

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I'm anti-MBM5 as well. The first time I installed it, i set it up properly to display the case temp, socket temp and diode temp. The case and socket temps were exactly the same as what asus probe stated, and the diode temp was about 4-6C higher than the socket temp. BUT occasionally MBM spazzes out, so i don't trust it. Asus probe IS accurate. You just have to realize where it's getting it's temps from. I don't care that i just see my socket reading and not my diode. The diode doesn't get THAT much hotter than the socket, at least not in my case (I don't consider 6C that big of a difference), so since i don't have heating problems with what probe says i'm satisfied. But yesterday i was having problems with my computer as stated in another thread, and when i loaded MBM5 (after asusprobe was closed), it stated my temps were -1C, 0C, and -1C. Uhh...Yeah right! So i went into the settings, and where you can select the sensors, everything was gone except "custom" and "none", so i dunno what was going on.


Unless the CPU temp on AsusProbe is high (like 50ish), there's no need to worry about the "actual" diode temp, imo. When people list their Cpu temp, i bet 75% of them are really listing the cpu temp anyways.

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Motherboard Monitor works fine....


it is the ASUS mobo that is the problem... (don't worry, not flaming, I own the same board as you guys...)


If you can get MBM to read the sensors, great, but there is a known issue with the ASUS sensors.......

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my MBM reads accuratly on all the sensers in my a7n8x so i dont know whats going wrong for you guys. kinda mad that my cpu diode temp is reading 48*c... so is my bios.... i dont like it one bit. the "Asus 1" sensor is reading a happy little 38*c so i like to live a lie and go by that usually. the "Asus 2" which is my case temp is reading accurate at around 29*c (crappy case cooling, only one fan)

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