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I Made A Boo Boo

howie b

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I forgot that the sk-7 does not fit 92 mm fans, and I already ordered a Vantec Tornado 92mm!!! ahhhh!! anyone have an inventive way to make the Vantec 92mm fit the 80mm sk-7? I've seen duct taping, but any suggestions other than that? Thanks in advance.




Edited by howie b

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you can get fan adapters... ive seen one to go from a 80mm socket thingy to a 120mm fan so i would guess theres one fo 80 to 92.


try newegg or something


sorry i cant be of much more help as im from the UK and anything oc relateds a pain in the . to find out let alone get hold of :D

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no, that's the thing!! I was getting terrible temps....ok...time for me to vent. Originally, i had the stock HSF for the AMD 2500+. I OCed w/ it, and was getting around 52C load using Asus probe. I read here that ASUS probe is innacurate, so i got MBM5. It was displaying the same setup around 62+C, which was really bad, so i ordered a volcano 11+ xaser edition HSF. When i got the V11, i lowered my OC a bit, and was doing ~48 idle, 56-58 load, which is not the best in the world. I decided to get an sk-7. I put the Smartfan II on the sk-7, and with MBM5 at a MODERATE OC (around 1.725 vcore), i was getting 70C according to MBM!!!!! i freaked out, got pissed, deleted MBM5. I'd rather live the jaded life of ASUS probe, which now reports my temps around 40-43C with a good OC. I was reading on my A7N8X Deluxe using the -Diode monitor, and the socket was ASUS 1. What is wrong here? why is my setup so hot? BTW, case temps are usually ~ 32C, but lateley my room has been warm and maxing at 37C.



ANY help would be appreciated.

Edited by howie b

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thats the problem case temp . try taking off the side panel and see if your temps drop . when my case temp was in the 30's i got horrible temps no matter what h/s i used try the side panel off and see what heappens at least then you could rule out if case cooling is the problem or not. if you can oc to the speed you want and its stable dont sweat it . im picky about my temps but sometimes you just gotta live with it

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I've tried it with my side panel off...only got like a 1-2C drop...That's the problem, i CAN'T OC to where i want, because my temps are too high!!! i wanna pull at least 1.775 - 1.8 vcore to keep me stable @ 2350 MHZ, but right now if I do that, I'll top over 70C (with MBM5). ANyone know how reliable mBM5 is? and is everyone else relying on their diode temp as their standard?

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MBM5 is crap in my opinion. i had it tell me that my CPU was @ 29degC idle, but in the BIOS it said 42degC. and then... it treid to tell me that my mainboard was 124decC!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, celcius, and no, my mainboard was definetly not boiling. since then i used Asus Probe, actually looking in BIOS, and SMARTFAN. as for MBM... i believe its junk ive found for some reason it likes to work alot better on KT boards (that or its jsut me) B)

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i have same thing as you mbm5 is so off the wall with the temps it told me my mb temp was 100+ also so i just deleted it and i havnt oced well i have but i went back to stock recenty cause im afraid to fry my .*! but iono i need a new hsf or to go wc

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the reason you guys are getting such funky temps is because u are configuring MBM 5 wrong....you are setting the wrong temp detectors to read the wrong ones. I configured mine right, but it just was so off from what my BIOS was reading...btw i figured out how to mount my Vantec Tornado to the sk-7!!!! it was a tight fit, but it did go, but I had to take the fan grill of, and move the clips to the adjacent sides from what they are supposed to be...if i had a cam, i would show you how HUGE it is and how it makes my SK-7 disappear hehe. It dropped my temps 6C instantly, and coupled with my Vantec nexus fan controller, im one happy guy :-D....now to OC higher :-D




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you have to realize that mbm free program actually offically supported by the m/b companines themselves.


now when people talk about asus probe or whatever program that comes with the m/b not working correctly, thats crap. they make the program and they make the board, whats the problem?


go to the mbm forums and i'm sure you'll find people with the same m/b(s) who have gotten it to work. probably just have old settings files.

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