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CFX3200 Help my Chipset is overheating??

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Hey Angry, you know the thread" cfx3200DR help my chipset is overheating " Yeckel said h also has the same problem ( making at least three people in the thread including myself ) but he said that he put some aluminum tape over the vents that hang over the chipset from the x1000 series video cards and that brought his temps down into the 40's. Is this a good idea or would this just cause my video card overheating problems?


Also what was a problem only when my temps went 50+ is now always a problem I have been playing Oblivion and when I move around in the game somewhat excessively the game gets a little choppy this used to happen only at 50c and up but now it happens at any temp, I know in the thread you said the boards are made to withstand 80C to 90C but this is an issue as I am having this problem myself-do I have permanent damage on my board or is this a problem with my Bios and I need to upgrade to a more steady one then came with the board?


Please get back to me as soon as you can , thanks in advance :cool: .


This was a PM to Angry but his his message box was full:confused: .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok for those of you having problems with the MOBO acting stupid above 55c have you tried 5/23 bios? I finally got my comp to take the bios and it works way better. I still have the cold start freezes mind you but all else is good.

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I have been using the 5/23 bios he whole time I think, thats what I have now anyway. I still am having problems when 55+C, and i actually might have more problems from cold boot like you but I RARELY cold boot since it stays on all the time. Sometimes it will start acting funny when it gets hot (but not so hot to lock say 56 is hot, 58 or 59 is locks)and it will never correct itself until i reboot. For instance I leave it on while im gone and it gets hot, but i return and its cool. Now If i go play a game it runs like 1/4 the FPS and choppy as hell, but in windows it almost works right. I restart and everythings fine. I moved it into my basement because I had to move it for other reasons and I basically dont get any hardlocks anymore but thats because it never hits 55C.

My core voltages are at the min to reduce heat, I tried more voltage on all the different settings and it makes no difference.


It almost never gets that hot anymore in its new location and that scares me, one day im going to need to use it somewhere in a warm room and be screwed, I still want to figure it out.

I tried 2 PSU's, 2 Video cards 1ATI the other Nvdia, 3 sets of memory all memtests pass even if it is hot funny enough. It has to be the board but I dont if it is all of them and people get it to work though the settings or mine is partially defective or what.

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I have been using the 5/23 bios he whole time I think, thats what I have now anyway. I still am having problems when 55+C, and i actually might have more problems from cold boot like you but I RARELY cold boot since it stays on all the time. Sometimes it will start acting funny when it gets hot (but not so hot to lock say 56 is hot, 58 or 59 is locks)and it will never correct itself until i reboot. For instance I leave it on while im gone and it gets hot, but i return and its cool. Now If i go play a game it runs like 1/4 the FPS and choppy as hell, but in windows it almost works right. I restart and everythings fine. I moved it into my basement because I had to move it for other reasons and I basically dont get any hardlocks anymore but thats because it never hits 55C.

My core voltages are at the min to reduce heat, I tried more voltage on all the different settings and it makes no difference. I tried underclocked memory or cpu settings no help.


It almost never gets that hot anymore in its new location and that scares me, one day im going to need to use it somewhere in a warm room and be screwed, I still want to figure it out.

I tried 2 PSU's, 4 Video cards 3ATI the other Nvdia, 3 sets of memory all memtests pass even if it is hot funny enough. It has to be the board but I dont if it is all of them and people get it to work though the settings or mine is partially defective or what.

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I hade my first CFX on HO2 right from the start, never saw any temps above 42c. Now since then I had to RMA that board(Lan and Code issues) Now with my new board, I set it up and left the stock DFI fan(with AS5) and I have to tell you I can barly keep it under 50c! I have good case temps(32c) and my basement stays at (65*f)! As for me, I'm taking my rig apart today and adding back on my MCW30, H2O chipset cooler.


Now I know these chipsets are rated at a higher temp, but I dont really like anything in my case getting that hot, just in an idle state.

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are you 100% its not your bios settings. it might not even be your chipset at all it could be your CPU. when my last computer died it would freeze on everthing when booted up when i played games. everything and the chipset temp would be higher when it froze. so i thought it was chipset. but when i upgraded my cpu it never froze agian. i had this problem a few times with AMD. on my first comp I built back in grade 8 a k6-2 it would freeze badly and then agian on my A socket athon. so all im saying is it might not be the chipset on the mainboard but rather your CPU. then agian im no computer science engineer yet.

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I thought it was in my first post but I guess not, I tried at friends 3200+ single core the first day I had problems and it did it equally on both cpus. Once and a while I get a studder in video and sound when it is acting up (near 55C), most noticeable playing videos. It will be fine for 15min then just stop for like 5 frames worth, the sound gets messed up too. Very annoying when trying to watch a movie.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to post a update, Seems like my problems are not nessisarily temp related, I have been having the momentary freezes (2-5sec) randomly (0-5hrs between) even when my chipset is 48*C. They happen in any application it seems like. With both video cards, both sets of memory, both cpus and psu. This thing is really driving me crazy so I called dfi and finally talked to the right person, he says its a known issue with the ULI sata (that i am using). So I guess I will either start using the SI sata & put a pci-express raid card in since I have 8 hard drives I need to use (One of the main reasons I got this board).. Thinking I should switch to a NF4 Expert... 8 Functional sata ports, and even a 4x pci express if I need a raid card.

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Ok so I was going to post my problems on here also. But reading the last post I will try to use my PATA drives in here before I start.


But so that everyone is aware, I have the same problems with my board as mentioned above. Thing is, I think it may be a little temp related and not SATA Related. I'll Explain.


As I was building the PC I kept the sides off the PC so that I would have easy access to the components if I needed it.


The cold boot issue started at the beginning, I had to use the reset button after the cold boot to start my PC.


During a clean install of Windows the PC Froze about 75% into the installation from my DVD-RW. This happened about 6 times before I placed the CD into the into my DVD-ROM and was able to complete the install.


After trying to run a game about 5 minutes into it, the PC started to Studder. about a week went by and it started I lost LAN 1 (just disappeared) about 3 days later I lost LAN 2 ( just disappeared. The BIOS still shows the Ports but windows did not see them.


If I left my PC alone for about an hour the PC would freeze. No CPU usage except the screen Saver.


Anyway, one day I was cleaning my office and put the side cover on the PC to get it out of the way. After 2 days LAN 2 showed back up, although it will not grab an IP. (LAN 1 is still AWOL). But I am able to play games 5-6 hours without Freezing. If I do walk away for a couple hours, the PC still Freezes up on me.


I apologize for the Speech. I will try the Using PATA to see if this Fixes the problem. Will post here again if I have no problems.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having the same problem with Chipset Temps and lock ups/restarts. I have found that when I underclock my memory (DDR 475-500 rather than 550) I do not seem to get the lock ups/restarts. Nether the less I still like to put water on it does anybody know of a water block with 1/2" fittings that will fit this chipset whilst running x1950xtx's in crossfire with the Danger Den TYEE Water blocks installed, as there isn't any room what so ever?:confused: ? Please feel free to PM me. Thanks

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  • 1 month later...

i had the Accelero X2 on my X1900XTX and it was blowing super hot ait onto the MB and NB. NB temps were peaking around 62 according to smart guuardian and the fan was at 6k rpm's. i'd get lockups as well, running HTT @ 300 with a 9x mult, or 350HTT with 8X mult. i got rid of the Accelero and moved to a VF900-Cu and no more lock ups. chipset is 10c cooler as well...still going to get the Evercool cooler though.


btw, way to revive a dead thread, aye?!

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