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CFX3200 Help my Chipset is overheating??

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Basically I have had it setup for a month, I had some issues in the beginning but got them pretty much all sorted out a week into it.

The One problem that would not go away no matter what I did with the settings (Everything set manual, tried underclocking, overclocking results always the same) was that it would randomly hard lock, and once and a while reboot.. sometimes it would just studder, notice most when playing media or game because the sound and video will mess up temporarily. Sometimes it would do this in 5 minutes of booting up other times it would work all day then when it is idle whlie I sleep it locks up. After tons of tweaking and adjusting without getting any difference in the crashes I started testing every component I have. Everthing was tested in other computers, and I tried alternatives, it was defenetly the motherboard.

Well I'll get to the point already.. After watching the "Smartguardian" (Anyone know if MBM works with this board? I need logs!) I noticed every single time the computer was either unstable or locking up the chipset temp was 55*C+. And other days when it seemed like everything was 110% stable for hours and hours chipset temp was 45-50*C.


So.. I guess 55*C+ is bad. But why is my chipset running so hot, the air in my room when it runs 46-47*C at idle is about 75*F/24*C.. & When it runs around 55*C at idle my room is about 85*F/29*C. It gets warmer when I close my door when I am out, but every other computer I've had would easily survive. I mean what if I didn't have A/C?


So is my chipset oddly hot, or is this a normal problem on the stock setup in hot weather??

CPU useage doesn't seem to have much effect. If i run 2.0(10x200) or 2.4(10x240) chipset temp stays about the same, same with full load on the CPU.


P.S After I realized the overheating I took the heatsink off to check if they put thermal paste on, and it did have some thermal tape. I cleaned that off with some alcohol as best I could and put some artic silver on there, it is running about 1-2*C lower now but I'm afrade it will lockup as soon as my room gets warm.

Oh and the chipset fan does work..

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Lol, no, not at all. Mine idles at 45c and tops out at 55c and everything runs fine apart from the HDD problems.

So I guess my temp is normal? But that doesn't change the fact that when it runs 55.. 56 57*C things are getting unstable, computer is locking up or restarting.

If the temps are normal sounds like something is defective :confused: . It is clearly chipset temp causing my problems, I can run with 100% CPU usage for a week strait without a hickup when my chipset is <50*C.

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Have you tried upping the chipset voltage? I know its not going to HELP temps, but its possible that your ram/on-die cpu controller is requiring it? Mine did when OCing on my LP nf4 SLI-DR with my TCCD and 3200+ Venice...


Btw my chipset fan died around 8mths ago, and i still havent replaced it >.>...runs around 50-70*C still stable...

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I've heard that these chipsets can handle temperatures in excess of 80c, 55c is definately not worth worrying about to be honest.

chipsets are rated for 90C


they will work without error in testing past 75C (I've tested them without any heatsink/cooling and they work just fine until you get up in the 80C+ range)

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  • 2 weeks later...
chipsets are rated for 90C


they will work without error in testing past 75C (I've tested them without any heatsink/cooling and they work just fine until you get up in the 80C+ range)



well whats the problem then, I am having the same issue my comp was running at 56C and now no matter what temp it runs at I am having this problem.

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I'm having the same problem but I never associated it to the chipset. Basically, when I cold boot it will run fine for about 10 mins and then just freeze/lockup. I have to reset and then it will run fine for as long as the next time I shut it off. What's really weird is this happens every single time I cold boot....and I mean every time. I've grown so acustomed to it that it's just a regular proceedure now. Turn on PC, wait to freeze and then reboot.

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What rpm is the fan running at i replaced mine and it still idles at 44+ load on case goes up to 50 MAX i have seen it as high as 58 when i was testing my video card i have a axellero and it is BTX :( capable so it blows HOT butt 1900xt air on my chipset so then i put a peice of chrome tape on the end helped out they are back down to the 40's. I figure it is hot *shrugs* as long as i dont have reboot issues hehe

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Either the Evercool or if you have the room the Thermaltake Extreme Spirit II, I have the TT esII.


Here's a screenshot of a voltmodded chipset runnning idle @ 1.88v on DFI 975XG. Even when the temps over here hit over 34 degrees in room it holds 48 degrees and 51 load, it's fairly quiet too.






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