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Graphic's Card Plzzz Help :beggs:


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Hmm Bigred not all of us can afford new stuff for our comps :( I would say tho that most likely ur card is crapping out i had a kyro 2 card do that on myfriends comp not to long ago.

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Thats nice but first off he didnt state his ram asecond off ur an idiot. Dont double post or i will personaly flame you and two he is talking about onboard video which means anywhere from 2 to 128 if i remember correctly. Ohh and one last thing to show your an idiot highest video memory on the mainstream market is 256 not 512 :blink:

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Thats nice but first off he didnt state his ram asecond off ur an idiot. Dont double post or i will personaly flame you and two he is talking about onboard video which means anywhere from 2 to 128 if i remember correctly. Ohh and one last thing to show your an idiot highest video memory on the mainstream market is 256 not 512 :blink:

okay sry about that i did it on accident okay yeah i have 128 on the SiS 315 i tried going into the bios and i dont know what to do

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sis 315 based cards are cheap, but no cheaper than say a radeon 7200 or mx 420. though with 128mb of ram they can't even catch either of those cards with 64mb or less ram.


I've had to deal with the 315 before... best suited for scraping ice off a windshield durring the winter.

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