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Opty 165 cooling problems

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Hey guys, i seem to have a bit of a problem..


im running my opty 165 @ 2800mhz @ stock voltages....... prime95 stable dont worry...


however... my temps are looking at about 49C on max load ..... this sucks because im sure i can get 3.0ghz but im gunna need more volts and im sure the higher temps will caust unstability


im running a TTBT, why are my temps so high!


ive tried reseating it 3 times... and even tried both methods of AS application (spread vs bb) and yielding the same results....


my room is set to 25C so it cant be cause my room is too hot... my case is a XazerV, and i have a high rpm intake fan in the front (but its cooling the hard drive cage) and i have 1 92mm fan on the side of the case, and a 92mm as an exhaust in the back and top..

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well is it really supposed to be performing this bad stock? i thought this cooler was supposed to be badass....comparing to what people are getting for results with the stock heatpipe cooler, it looks like my temps are not much better

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For a comparison, I hit about 54 C with S&M with the stock heatpipe cooler on my 170 @ 2.55/1.4 on an open bench setup, and about 49-50 C with a Zalman CNPS-7700 :P. Once I stick the board in my case, it rises to about 53-54. I'm looking at getting a BT but I'll have to wait off until it doesn't hit the pocketbook so hard. For that speed, your temps look fine to me :). For some reason, my 170 seems to run very hot, perhaps the IHS on it is bad...

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yea i duno, i know getting the IHS off will help my temps (im assuming) ...


i did it with my 3700, it was really easy ...


but i never felt "safe" with it off...


i always felt like "well if i move this case, its gunna break"


so i def dont wanna remove it on this chip...blah

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In my opinion if you really want to push it that hard....normal cooling, heatsinks and so on, Air basically, isnt going to cut it...Most of the 165's running at 3.0Ghz are doing so because they are running on water....

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Im more than happy with the 2.7 i got out my 4400 on air (got a 74cfm fan on a vapochill micro extreme) but yeah most of the 3Ghz are on something other than air i noticed almost right away while going through the club thread and the OCDB

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I run about 44-46c at 2.8 dual loaded with my BT. However, look at my case cooling in sig.

Don't forget, especially with reseating repeatedly, the compound needs to "cure". This will drop you a few degrees from what Ive seen.

I actually removed the 93 cfm fan from the BT and replaced the original. Although it helped cool the cpu some, there was simply no way to force that much air through the HS. It totally screwed up my case flow. I now use the monster 120mm as an exhaust fan to blast all the displaced heat out of there.

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i too am running into problems trying to overclock my opteron165. i can barely do 2.3ghz [email protected] and its pretty hot already, 42/50. i followed the definitive amd64 OC guide but cant get much out of this chip.


what im using

mobo: dfi lanparty nf4 ut ultra-d

cpu: opteron 165 ccb1e 0609fpmw

hsf: thermaltake big typhoon w/ AS5

ram: 2gb g.skill extreme series

psu: ocz modstream 520w


im currently using a spare HDD and a regular PCI video card, ordered a 7900gt sig. series.

it runs allrite @stock with temps around 32/39.


am i missing something? im a little disapointed but meh, i may be doing something wrong.

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Guest GripS

mistermofo copy and paste those system specs in a sig. It's a rule here to have a sig with your system specs and a mod will soon give you a hard time for not doing so.

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