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What Memory Timings?


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I got a reply from Will about adjusting my memory timings to allow for 270 fsb. I'm running Kingston HyperX 434 memory at 5:4 cpu:dram ration. 270 should work but it locks up when windows starts. What is a good memory timing for this?





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The best way to o/c is to o/c your cpu to however much u want. Then when u have your Cpu where u want it then start tightenning up your timings. your 434mhz mem is prolly CL 2-2.5 to start out with. bump them all to 3-4-4-8 to o/c your cpu then start bringing the first one down and try 2.5-4-4-8. If you can get 2.5 for your first number then take the other 3 and try to reduce them down. If you can't run stable on 2.5 then use 3 and reduce the other 3 down. CPU first memory 2nd.

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Thanks Will, I'll try that.




Will, I found out that other people have been having trouble oc'ing Kingston HyperX memory. I guess it's a glitch with ch-5 chips and the canterwood chipset. At least that's what I heard. I may have to upgrade my ram.





Edited by dino-new

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I had Kingston HyperX Pc4000 and it wouldn't hit 500mhz for me but neither will my OCZ PC4000. Most likely it is the mobo holding it back and causing issues. suprisingly when i hit 1200(300) FSB with my 2.4C it was with a 512MB stick of Samsung PC2700 w/ heatspreads!. Now that is odd why my PC4000 couldn't handle that speed but that stick could.

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Yeah, memory can be quirky. I have a pc2100 stick with headspreaders that'll run all day at 2700 w/ aggressive timings. On the other hand I used to have a 2100 stick that would barely hit its rated speed. (couldn't even hit 276 mhz)

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Yeah I just picked up some new stuff. Thank my wife for letting me. I picked up some Corsair XMS 4000. I have yet to push the 3.2 ghz P4 to 4 Ghz yet, but I'm working on it. I had to order an extra radiator, it's coming in the mail. I'm still messing around with timing and stuff. Thanks for your guys input.



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