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WoW, is it worth it?


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I've been looking for a new online game to play because frankly gaming single player sucks. I just recently kicked a 3yr America's Army addiction.


I've been looking at world of warcraft because since oblivion came out ive been hooked on rpg games. So basically is it worth it the $15 a month fee?

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I tried it and I didn't care for it too much


come give Eve-Online a try...I can give you a free 7 or 10 day trial...me, momma, Wetchaser, Grunt_Styles, and a few other play...its an RPG but not a fantasy one...its a sci-fi outer space one that is deep and complex as you make it out to be.


But you should also try a free trial of WoW...I tried it twice and didn't like it either time (same old tired RPG level-up grind to me but thats just me)

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I was also thinking about Guild wars but i played the demo version thing that they had during E3 and didnt care for it. I'll check out eve, so thats where wetchaser has been hiding i played america's army with him there for awhile and he just disapeared.

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Well, i just started playing WOW in april. When i first started it I wasn't to happy with the slow gameplay & i had no idea what the hell i was doing. But after i gained a few levels & started to figure stuff out, i got more and more into it. Now i really enjoy playing the game and I definately am glad i purchased it and definately think its worth the monthly fee.

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I played WoW for 8-16 hours a day for a year. Basically as much as possible.


Leveling 1-60 on your first character is fun. But leveling 1-60 on any alts is pretty tedious because you have to do basically *all* the same quests that you already did. The core of WoW is grinding. If you like doing the same thing *over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over* then by all means play WoW. I even got bored of Molten Core I quit before I could get bored of Blackwing Lair...


Basically their are 3 types of WoW players, the Role Players, the PvPers, and the people that just dont care. RP servers are easymode because you dont have to worry about getting ganked. Some RP players are very good, but the general skill level is lower than on a PvP server. High population PvP servers are intense, everyone is out for the same resources 24/7 - you have to be cutthroat against your own faction and even more ruthless to the opposing faction. The people that just dont care seem to make out best in WoW because of the burnout rate. WoW is boring if you want to get all the best stuff.


If you want to get rank 14, prepare to gain weight, lose friends, sleep, and time doing other stuff that you love. getting to grand marshal or high warlord essentially requires you to play 16 hours a day for 3 solid weeks (that's just getting from rank 11 or 12 to 14). getting a full tier 2 (epic) gear set could take you about 6 months depending on how good your guild is.


be prepared to spend countless hours running the same instances over and over to get the gear you need, the reputaion, or the attunement so you can run more instances over and over.


however, i must say that i have met a lot of cool people in WoW, and that my playing experience was only slightly better than plunging a rusty screwdriver into my ear. i did enjoy the game for about a year, until i realized that WoW does not take very much, if any skill at all, it only takes time. the only thing that makes WoW difficult is the fact that their are hundreds of people that are going to dedicate more hours than you can.


if you choose the RP route, get ready to do nothing but instances. if you choose the PvP route get ready to get killed, and camped for at least an hour. if you choose the not caring route, more power to you.

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I've been looking for a new online game to play because frankly gaming single player sucks. I just recently kicked a 3yr America's Army addiction.


I've been looking at world of warcraft because since oblivion came out ive been hooked on rpg games. So basically is it worth it the $15 a month fee?



WOW Americas Army is a CLASSIC! It took me about three years to stop sayin "FRAG OUT" and HOOAH! pronounced HUH. but u know what I mean. The best map on that game will forever be the BRIDGE!


My roommate decided that Eve was his next venture. He loves that game. Happy even posted a lot of info about the game on the forum a while back. I believe he made some pretty good money off his account for that game on EBAY. My room mate sure did as well.


I'm not into the whole RPG thing, and I'm still heavily into first person. I beleive FEAR was a waste of my Gosh Darn MONEY! I honestly gave it away for free. Now if your still looking to blast some peoples face in strategicly, BattleField2 and Special Forces and Armored Fury is the best way to go. Yeah other than that, there isnt much out there, been looking myself.

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I play counter-strike and condition zero as often as possible *I am Chuckles(armless pool shark)* but my friend plays wow alot due to the fac that his pc cant handle counter-strike. He likes it but never gets addicted because he thinks alot of it is a joke.

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I tried it and I didn't care for it too much


come give Eve-Online a try...I can give you a free 7 or 10 day trial...me, momma, Wetchaser, Grunt_Styles, and a few other play...its an RPG but not a fantasy one...its a sci-fi outer space one that is deep and complex as you make it out to be.


But you should also try a free trial of WoW...I tried it twice and didn't like it either time (same old tired RPG level-up grind to me but thats just me)


Happy is dead on the money. Eve-online is a great game. No lame grinding and skill practicing, but all the fun and adventure you can handle!


Plus, the graphics are just kickass!

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World of Warcraft will be enjoyable for quite some time. But it has a very low cieling of tolerable repetativeness. Perhaps when the expansion comes out it will be exciting again.... for awhile... but ultimately it will be doomed. I doubt Blue will drastically change the game's format. I would recommend the game to younger audiences.


CS is a great game. I liked Halo and Halo 2 a lot... but not as much as CS.

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I liked WOW, but the game play for me was secondary to its social aspect (I mainly played on a PVE server). WOW for me was a large online chatroom where I could catch up with many of my old friends and make a few new ones. In between chatting, there was lots and lots of grinding, and ocassionally an instance run. Instance runs were fun for me only with people I trusted. My biggest problem with WOW was that it wasn't always up when I wanted to play, and even when it was up lag and other problems could happen at any time almost unexpectedly. As someone who often played in the mornings, WOW being down frequently on Tuesdays for long periods of time annoyed me.

You should try the WOW demo and see if you like it. If you play enough you'll get a pretty good feel for it. My most annoying moment in WOW was when I submitted a bug report for a quest I couldn't finish because an NPC wasn't working correctly. They told me it was (and had been for a long time) a known issue. I still to this day do not understand if it is a known issue why they simply don't remove the quest or at least give the player some warning that the quest is unable to be completed.


I tried the EVE demo. It blew me away. It is just that good. There isn't much I can about it other then I can't wait until I can afford the monthly fee. The learning curve is a bit higher then WOW, but the people are very helpful and friendly. The things I liked most about EVE are that it isn't instanced at all and the impact players have on the game world. In WOW it is highly annoying when you have two groups of friends and they are on different servers, other then character moving you can never play together and I don't think you can chat across servers.

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