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WTF HAPPENED TO OUR FORUM??? (heh..read this before you ask/complain/g


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"Too many hands in the kettle spoils the broth."


An old saying I first heard from my father which I believe holds true pertaining to reputation awardment. As Happy says, it only takes people abusing the system to degrade it's true purpose and meaning.


I am in agreement with the idea of only having the Admins / Super Mods / Mods give-out reputation points to those who honestly deserve them, if it is possible to implement.

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I've been using the forum default theme since the switch, but yesterday switched over to the heavy metal. Heck AG, as long as the forum is up and running I don't really care what it looks like. And thanks for investing the time and money to help secure the Street and add some addtional features.



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"Too many hands in the kettle spoils the broth."


An old saying I first heard from my father which I believe holds true pertaining to reputation awardment. As Happy says, it only takes people abusing the system to degrade it's true purpose and meaning.


I am in agreement with the idea of only having the Admins / Super Mods / Mods give-out reputation points to those who honestly deserve them, if it is possible to implement.



Well I don’t get it.


I started with 10 points, I guess default points,


Then I got 4 comments in my UserCP with green and 1 comment with grey.


I ended up with a total is 193, go figure.


I guess it uses some sort of multiplier, then it goes thru a divider so it can achieve a higher point value.


That my opinion anyway so I’m not complaining.

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Not sure if anyone else noticed this but on some of the pages like "Subscribed Threads" or reading a thread, there is not a logout link anywhere on the page. On other pages it appears in what looks like 1 point font at the bottom of the page (where no one can find it).


Not a huge problem, but if you are like me and roam from one PC to another from time to time it makes it easy for anyone to hijack your session. If you kill the browser and start it up again it logs you in without requiring a password. Obvioiusly some of you never log out, as this is your life :)



Also it looks like some of the smilies list is broken, as some icons do not show up in the list. I can send you a screen shot if that helps.

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the reputation system works great in one sense because of how it doles out the points


a guy with no rep or very low rep, his rep points that he hands out to others are not worth much at all


maybe a point or a fraction of a point for instance


a guy like me, who has 20,000 posts almost AND a lot of high rep handouts from members, my one rep boost to you might be worth 50 points instead of your 1 point if you rep'd me



so, its on a sliding scale so to speak



the more rep points a person has, the more his rep points that he gives out to others are worth



hopefully that will make rep'ing still work out ok since most of the members that will have high reps will know to not abuse the system



here's another fact to keep in mind


we'll be able to run through lists of rep points and see who has how many points, who is giving out points, who is getting points, etc, and then in the admin section us mods can modify a person's rep based on our collective view of that person's contribution(s) to the forum. (ie we can adjust a rep value so if it has been artificially inflated, we can artifically deflate it just as fast)

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Not sure if anyone else noticed this but on some of the pages like "Subscribed Threads" or reading a thread, there is not a logout link anywhere on the page. On other pages it appears in what looks like 1 point font at the bottom of the page (where no one can find it).


Not a huge problem, but if you are like me and roam from one PC to another from time to time it makes it easy for anyone to hijack your session. If you kill the browser and start it up again it logs you in without requiring a password. Obvioiusly some of you never log out, as this is your life :)



Also it looks like some of the smilies list is broken, as some icons do not show up in the list. I can send you a screen shot if that helps.

ya I cant find the logout on the BlackOrange theme, and I can't find the Member List on it either...so I have to switch to Forest theme to get those two buttons =(


the smilies are still mesesed up in Forest (and in Black Orange) also


none of the themes in use are working 100% but at least the themes work and the rules mod works and that means that the forum works while I am trying to clean up some of this crap code from the previous hacking and adminning.

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Also in the Forest layout there is a "View Forum Leaders" link on the front page that doesn't work.


I wasn't aware the Rep system was based on a sliding scale, that's a good idea.


I tried to give a member Rep points for a really good post, but I added to his Rep 2 or 3 days ago. Since then I gave a few points out, but I still can't add to his Rep. Is there a timeout period or a certain amount of post I have to add points to before I can add to his Rep again?

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Well I don’t get it.


Then I got 4 comments in my UserCP with green and 1 comment with grey.


Tasr, where abouts in your UserCP are you seeing these comments? What theme are you using?

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