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WTF HAPPENED TO OUR FORUM??? (heh..read this before you ask/complain/g


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I love the new look and feel of the Street. :D The colors are marvelous! ;)


So many new things to explore. I feel like a kid in a candy store.


If I didn't know it was so much work for you and your crew, I’d say upgrade more often. Just kidding.


BTW: 10 years in the Army, I’ve given a few blanket parties. Only to those really deserving folks, i.e. I was running a hand grenade range and was safety in one of the pits This private comes into the pit, pulls the pin a dropped the grenade right over the wall. :eek: BLAM!!!!!!!!! my hearing was out for two days. These were live HE grenades. That was one fun blanket party that night. He did learn that night.

do me a favor and remove that reputation thing from your sig


please see my previous long rant about abusing the reputation system. Encouraging others to freely give out reputation is considered abuse (we'd rather someone didn't use the feature than use it incorrectly)

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I reckon this is the right place to do this....

I can't get an avatar to work....if i go into the settings for it, there's only one option, "don't show an avatar" or something, and i can't deselect it...

I've seen that loads of people have got one, and I've made a few in Photoshop, so please tell me how to do it!! :D


rules are your friend...if you read them, I think you'd have seen a bit about avatars?





there's also a thread about Avatars here...search for it and give it a read

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asking/begging/requesting an avatar = you usually will never get one


ask Uncle_David about this as well as a few others with 1000 posts that STILL dont have an avatar


they are given out based on merit, not post count, and never given to anyone that asks for one (but if read my above post you'd already be reading the avatar thread and you would know all of this!)

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do me a favor and remove that reputation thing from your sig


please see my previous long rant about abusing the reputation system. Encouraging others to freely give out reputation is considered abuse (we'd rather someone didn't use the feature than use it incorrectly)






Sorry, it was not my intention to encourage misuse of the system.



Now can I have a hug. Hehehe :D

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Ahh..., to come home drunk and find some yummy posts heh.


Not all people can spell.

There is a such thing as being dislecsic ^^.

No reason to hold it agains'nt people for not having proper grammer and spelling.


It does make it harder to deal with, and I can't tell you how to think.

But consider it, just not all poeple can do the proper english grammer thing.




You get so mad at me for asking some technical ?'s about your precious psu lol.

That is funny :O:D


Let it go dude.

I was just asking for specs, that's it.


Good stuff though ;)


Anyways the feedback bar thingy, in the forest thing.

Does'nt do anythign when you click on it.

I'm not sure if it's supposed to or anything ... :

Someone did say it did stuff for them so...

Maybe it's another bug ??


Hmm, lol.

This forum theme makes you dizzy too lmao.

The forest one.

Anyways I'd like to see the new theme if ay new ones come about, before I'm banned that is :)



Lol, I forgot...

My gf/mom comment lol, my mom was just in hear yelling at me asking me wth I was even posting at this forum.

So that's how that goes lmao...

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lol wondered how long before someone bitched about the two themes lol


I suppose i could put a dark one in temporarily...but I'd have to shut the forum off for another 30 minutes or so...


An off GREY is alot easyer on the eyes than a BLACK background.



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