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WTF HAPPENED TO OUR FORUM??? (heh..read this before you ask/complain/g


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Guest Blooz1

Yeah, that "preview" is a good feature! I've always liked that in other forums, and wished we had it here.

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Guest bigr5026

BUG Report




Register link on top of the forest layout/theme is not needed if you are a registered member



you need to remove that if possible



View FAQ i think is useless


Get a dfi logo in place of the trees in the forest layout/theme



If i may suggest,


A fourm problems/questions/suggestions/ban requests (maybe pushing it)

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BUG Report




Register link on top of the forest layout/theme is not needed if you are a registered member



you need to remove that if possible



View FAQ i think is useless


Get a dfi logo in place of the trees in the forest layout/theme



If i may suggest,


A fourm problems/questions/suggestions/ban requests (maybe pushing it)



Doesn't really seem like a bug report, but personal preference. Also I know it is hard to show emotions online, but sometimes the wording can make a post seem...how can I say...pushy...demanding......whatever. Please and Thank you go a long way. "Would it be possible to remove..." sounds much better than "You need to remove..."


Ban requests? Way over the line, so far over the line that the line has become a dot.


The "Report bad post" button is there for a reason. The Admins/Mods know what they are doing and very little, if anything goes unnoticed.


Just my 2 cents, not trying to start anything.

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There should be some type of RSS feed system that lets you see if someone replied to you without checking your email or going to the forum so just in case you forgot to go back it will show on that vista sidebar thing.


Oh btw the footer_top.gif button doesn't work

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ok kids, now that I am awake and such (since I didn't get to sleep until about 6AM), here's a few things in answer to all that I read so far:



NEO: I'm not even going to bother answering you because this isn't an AthlonXP/NF2 so you hate it just like you hate everything else that isn't your AthlonXP/NF2 and pretty soon I'm gonna just add you to my ignore list since that is all you do is complain and it gets tiresome quickly. I'd hate to be your wife/gf and have to live under your dark cloud on a daily basis. Kevorkian invented the suicide machine in Michigan for a reason.



bigr5026: did you miss the part where I said this is all temporary until I get proper templates custom-buit in DFI-Street themes? Maybe in your rush to complain about how your eyes hurt you forgot to take a moment to read that yes? Maybe also in your rush you forgot to look and see there are 3 different themes, two light and one dark? Maybe also in your rush to complain you didn't stop to think about the fact that with the 3 working templates you have a forum to come to and complain about instead of getting the big message saying "DFI-STREET IS DOWN FOR A WHILE SO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO"?



The rest of you:


I very much appreciate the comments and encouragement. Me fooling with VB and php and such is like a surgeon with Parkinson's disease and missing half a brain operating on your eyes during a LASIK procedure.


As I mentioned, I am actively searching for someone to hire on as an admin that won't screw things up and that can be trusted. That negates anyone from this forum for the simple fact of conflict of interest. I trust all of you, but my trust in you guys was burned pretty bad once before with the old admin so I'd rather just pay a professional to take care of things (that way I can sue him if he screws my . up and then I can drive to his house and kill him if that isn't satisfying enough lol).


I've got a couple themes that I'm paying to have customized. I mentioned this already maybe but just in case you guys were too busy heaping praise on me (or plotting to give NEO a blanket party...and you do know what a blanket party is I hope), I thought I would mention it yet again. We will probably keep these current themes just in case people like them, but the main default theme(s) will be the customized ones.




I've got a couple of modifications I will be probably trying to install later tonight when you should all be sleeping, after I get home from playing hockey (someone is gonna get hurt by me in hockey tonight because I am VERY MEGA STRESSED). One is to force people to read the rules even better than the old system was. The other is the new improved category mod, but instead of a column where the category is listed, it will automatically format the first word(s) of your post.




old system had the category separately:


(post icon) - NF4 SLI-DR - Help! My cat caught on fire being too close to my rig!!!



the new one will simply integrate the category into the thread title:


(post icon) - NF4 SLI-DR: Help! My cat caught on fire being too close to my rig!!!



not a lot of difference...hard to explain without visuals I guess but all of you remember the category you had to choose in certain forums making a new thread....will be the same here.




There's probably a zillion different little mods and hacks we can use to make this place awesome...but I'd rather keep it pretty simple for the moment.



You notice that by-God the first thing I made sure of was that google banner was up and running lol. The bandwidth people want their money regardless of whether the forum works or not =/











what is it? what are we supposed to do with it???



Reputation is just like in real life...


When you see a great post here, one full of great information, one that is really helpful, then you add to a user's reputation.


Some noob rookie comes in one day a month from now and Thunda posts an answer to his question, the rookie should note that Thunda's reputation is probably higher and better than anyone else in the forum and that should definitely tell the guy "hey, this Thunda dude is reputable and knows what he is talking about!"


The system CAN be abused




if you abuse it


you won't enjoy the consequences....we have a little mod/hack already installed that is specifically targeted towards you that plan or willingly abuse anyone, any part of the site, any feature of the site.


I won't tolerate abuse of the reputation system. I will simply enable this mod on you and you will become very very...well you won't like it that is for sure. If the abuse is rampant, we'll scrap the reputation system. If that happens, it probably means that the forum is already on a downward slide and the nazi guards here (moderators) will begin cracking down on every little thing until you all hate the place and I'll be Angry_Games again and it won't be pleasant.



so...let's please be mature adults and not abuse any aspect of the site. I'm swift and harsh when it comes to meting out discipline, but I'd rather stay Happy for a good long time and spend my time fixing the place up and making it better instead of running from one fire to the next smacking people down watching the forums slide into ruin and anarchy.


I've got a lot of great things planned for the forum. The mods already know some of it (Hardware Pool) and it will benefit in the end for everyone here.


There's going to be a lot of changes. Some you won't like. Some you will wonder how we lived without them in the old stone age of the past.



Please just be patient and continue using the forum as normal until we get a lot of the issues fixed and the themes installed etc.


Play around with the features of the site and continue to give feedback.






Good feedback: this %@#$#@ smilie doesn't work!!!


we need to know what works and doesn't on each theme and as an overall site feature regardless of theme.





Dumb feebback: I HATE THIS THEME!


It is not important to me that you like or dislike the temporary themes. Go cry to your mother about the colors because I only care that things work since I've already stated many many many times that the themes are not final and there will be more added once we get where we want to be with a real admin instead of Hacker_Games trying to destroy the site everytime he goes to fix something.






the swear filter:


we've typically given you enough rope to hang yourself with around here. We only censored one word before (a racial insult beginning with the letter N).


If you remember, we generally tolerated most swear words except for racial slurs and the F word. Most of the time we'd edit someone's post to remove the F word, but other words were pretty much allowed as long as they weren't abused.


*gasp* you guys even see me cursing once in a while


The swear filter only targets a specific group of words that have no business being in this forum ever, and I'll only give this one single warning to everyone and everyone and if you miss it, too bad for you:







here's the list of words you may not use here (you can but they will be censored). If you fool with the letters to bypass the swear filter, you will face the big red bolt text above:


crap (any and all variants...suck it up and learn to use another word if this is your favorite swear)


f*g (any and all variants...someone's sexual preference is not up for debate and insulting someone about it will get you in serious trouble here)


c*nt (there's never a reason to use this word. Even momma finds it offensive and she's more liberal and full of curses than any 500 of you).


the N word (you know what this one is...)


any racial descriptor of asians, latinos, etc...if we ever see such words, you will be instantly and permanently removed. You should know better than to ever utter such nonsense in real life, let alone on a forum where the rules state such things.





Pretty simple...words like ., classy lady, butthole, etc are still viable words.


Like all times previous, they are open for use but wanton abuse of this priveledge is something that will not be tolerated and harshly struck down.


This is a mature forum with hopefully mature users that have better things to do than run around like giggling girls using curse words just to hear themselves (read themselves).


I curse myself and though some of you might find it unprofessional (I do myself at times), I am human, and I am me, and I am not a corporate robot. I express myself with such colorful language from time to time so there's no reason why I can and you can't.


Just be adults or at least mature about the whole cursing thing please. I simply don't have time to babysit you and mods like ExRoadie and Thunda will just ban you for being retardedly immature without any warning so if you are not sure if something is acceptable, it's probably not acceptable.





ok....any other questions?

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There should be some type of RSS feed system that lets you see if someone replied to you without checking your email or going to the forum so just in case you forgot to go back it will show on that vista sidebar thing.

we will be looking into the RSS feeds when we get things going the way we have planned...the Hardware Pool will be something important that some of you will want RSS feeds on....but for the time being, and possibly even in the future...you must remember this is a support site, not really a news site so the RSS thing might just be a waste of time.

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BUG Report




Register link on top of the forest layout/theme is not needed if you are a registered member



you need to remove that if possible



View FAQ i think is useless


Get a dfi logo in place of the trees in the forest layout/theme



If i may suggest,


A fourm problems/questions/suggestions/ban requests (maybe pushing it)





here's an idea


how about you read and follow the rules?


that would be a great suggestion from me to you before you go making any demands of me.

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Yeah, that "preview" is a good feature! I've always liked that in other forums, and wished we had it here.

it actually seems to work better in IE than it does in Firefox (I like it better anyway)




I refuse to use IE for anything unless absolutely necessary. And the little preview is still decent in Firefox...but I just prefer clicking the thread link and reading it anyway lol (its actually faster to just click the link and read the text than it is to hover your mouse over the thread title!)

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The Street looks Neet!!! Good work angry, er happy, er admin, er ~looks around~ runs over to happys sig and steals his teddy bear~~ runs like hell and dives under desk and peeks out hoping no one saw~ thinks a second and runs back and puts it back~ dosen't want him to revert back to angry. hehe

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Guest bigr5026


here's an idea


how about you read and follow the rules?


that would be a great suggestion from me to you before you go making any demands of me.


honostl,y, im sick, just woke up, go to the fourm, and i wake up to a big yello, headache giving foum

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