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Help with cutting fan holes

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Hey guys, first off I want to say how awesome I think this forum is. I just found it a couple of weeks back after I got my first DFI board, and everyone here seems to be very helpful and knowledgable. I don't think I will ever buy another brand of motherboard besides DFI from here on in.


Anyhow, I have a question regarding case modification, which I am brand new to. Being that I am very *not-handy*, for lack of a better word, I was wondering how difficult it is - and what tools I would need - to cut a hole in the plexiglass (or plastic, whatever it is) side of my Lian Li PC65B case? As you can see, there are 2 80mm intakes in the front of the case blowing on the hard drives, and 1 80mm exhaust in the back, and one 80mm exhaust on the top. I would like to add a 120mm intake on the side of the case, so I can get some airflow on the video card (which just has a heatsink) and the chipset/PWMIC areas. I saw the templates that Happy Games posted, but I'm not sure how to actually cut the holes. Can anyone give me tips, or a link of a good guide to do this. Also, what can I put as a 'filter' to keep dust out on the hole once I cut it?


Here are a couple of pics...please no comments on the crappy cable management - I am waiting for some spiral wrap to arrive, and hopefully it will look 10x better in a week....




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First off I am glad to hear that you are so pleased with your purchase and with the street! Welcome!


Just a few things for ya here. First off you can buy filters for your fans if you simply search for them or if you get maxpc they have a diy section on filters. (basically using "swiffer" sheets) And as far as actually cutting the holes in that plexiglass goes the templates would be a great idea but you may want to use a dremel or something to cut them out. When I cut through my old case plexiglass I neither had the forture of templates or a dremel so resorted to using a drill with a circular bit on it. :shake: (boy was that a trip!! lol)

I am sure that there are more knowlegeable guys here that may have better suggestions but that is what I would do anyways. Whatever you do just be incredibly careful if you have to use a drillbit at any point to make a guide hole or anything. It can be way too easy to crack the plexiglass when doing that. :sweat:


Good luck and make sure to post some more pics when you get the mod and cable wrapping done! :nod:

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After you read the rules check out Rotozip. Look for the more recent ones, I think the improvements they have made over the past few years makes them a better tool than the original one that I have (The handle falls off :rolleyes: ) Anyway that safety hazard aside I've found that like the Dremel if you go slow and watch what you are doing they do a good job. Just measure twice, mark and go, but you might want to experiment with speeds and such on scrap to make sure you don't end up melting plexi and find your bit sealed in the cut (been there, done that, got the bobble head! :shake: ) Hole saws for drills work pretty good in metal as long as it isn't too thick. Just make sure your using a cutting oil to cut down friction.

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Rules schmules. Just kidding, I read them when I first joined, but apparently forgot them already...sorry about that! *fixed image size*. Anyhow, thank you guys for the tips. I will have to check out the Rotozip, and maybe get a peice of practice material at Home Depot to try it out with. I am headed there this morning, so hopefully in the next day or two I can have the hole(s) cut, and will be sure to post pics once I am done.

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tape off the area and use a CD for a 120mm trace, makes a perfect match for a 120mm fan. then dremel the hole mark, drill the 4 mounting holes one at a time, put a bolt in after each drill so u won't make a mistake. And clean that wiring mess...lol :shake:

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Ok, I went to Home Depot and ended up buying a Dremel yesterday, and practiced on a peice of acrylic. I got the holes down ok, but I am still not very good at getting the line perfectly straight, so I'll have to practice a bit more today before making the actual cut.


So I have a couple more questions for you guys who have done this before. Which of the seemingly hundreds of Dremel attachments do you use? I have just been using one of the small drill bits, is there a better attachment for cutting acrylic? Secondly, I have a question on the placement of the fan, and now I am also second-guessing the size. If I put a 120mm fan, that will cover a good portion of the window, as well as be blowing on the Zalman 9500 heatsink in a perpendicular angle to where the air is blowing now. Disregarding the fact that it will probably cosmetically ruin the look of the case (again, no comments on the wires - the spiral wraps are coming Thursday!:)) is this going to adversely affect the airflow in any way, since right now its basically sucking air in the front and expelling it in the back. If I add something pulling in from the side, how is that going to affect the airflow? I fear that blowing the very warm (55°C idle, upwards of 70° under load) air of the video card towards the motherboard might make temperatures worse than they already are. Right now my CPU temp idles in the low 30°'s, and gets up to the low to mid 40°'s under load, and the PWMIC and Chipset temps are typically in the upper 40°'s and can get in the low 50's. Basically I just want to cool down the video card and PWMIC/Chipset temps a bit. So below I have attached a couple of pics with different placements of fans, what are your guys' thoughts? (by the way, I don't have an extra 120mm fan so I used a CD instead). Would I be better off with one 120mm down in the corner, or 2 80mm fans - 1 in front of the video card, the other blowing near PWMIC/chipset area of the MB?




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I would go with the 120mm because it will give u more air with less noise. pushing some fresh air accross the video card is fine. You can also remove some of the bay slots (below your video card inorder to help remove some if the hot air from the v-card) Make sure u tape off the plexiglass where u want to cut. and be carful when u drill the 4 fan holes. (if your off by a little u wont be able it mount all four bolts. Some ppl have good success with the thicker round disc, I prefer the side cutting bitt (u got to buy that seperatlly) it looks like a reg drill bitt but it cuts on the side of the bitt and not on the end of it.

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I'd go 120mm, because there's nothing I hate more than a loud case. Get a good, solid, high CFM fan.


Your CPU temps are fine so that's really nothing to be concerned about. Blowing cooler air across the video card will help.


Just use the advice given by others, take your time, and the cut will go smoothly!


Good luck!

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here is a link to some fan filters, it is a great web store. http://www.svc.com/filters-120.html

Also i installed my side fan right in the middle so it would blow on the chipset, cpu, PWMIC, and a little on the v-card. G/L.....BTW: the 120mm fan will clear the CPU Heatsink!!!. Take a look at putting the 120mm fan right in front (fwd) of the cpu hs, right where u got the smaller fan at. just an idea.

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1 thing about the placement of that 120..... make sure it fits. u got it right on top of ur Zalman, and check the space between the top of the zalman and ur plexi.... then check the depth of the fan ur gonna use... will it fit?


its a pain to cut and fit the fan, only to know that the panel now wont close becoz the fan is in the way.......

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