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Stupid injuries

Guest Neezer_merged

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I never really got injured before, except maybe one time.

Another time when I was about 13 or 14 I was halfway through a 40mile bike trip and I was so pissed because my bike wheels were warped and caused the brakes rub against wheels and make it harder to pedal. Well I was getting far away from the other people and I was mad so I kicked the front wheel of the bike while I was riding and the bike and my foot got caught in the spokes and the bike flipped foward and sent me into the pavement, I think I hit my head but my hands stopped me from hitting it hard, so I got up and started riding again. My hands hurt alot though but no broken skin or anything.




you sabotaged your self? :rolleyes: how dumb is that?

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I had a guy working for me once, not the brightest individual but he worked hard. Anyway, he's finalising the in-gear idle on a car he just rebuilt the carb on, E-brake set and all, but for some reason he reaches over and gives the throttle a whack and the car proceeds to pin him between the bumper and the wall of the office, then the hood slammed down on his head rendering him almost unconscious. I was about 20 years old then and that was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.


Backed the car up off him and other being a little dazed and bumped up pretty bad he was OK. Same guy stuck his hand in a fan while the engine was running.

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Guest bigr5026

eeh, orde my bike straioght into a wall



long story,


i wasant paying attention



going too slow on my goped, hit a bump, fliiiiip



burned fingers on manifold

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When I was 8 or 9, I was runing through my backyard being chased by my neighbor. It was winter outside, and we had a big steel cable that ran from our porch to the end of the yard for our dog because we were getting our fence fixed, and we didnt want the dog to run away. Anyway, I turned around to look to see if my neighbor was still after me, and when I turned around I ran right into the cable. I flipped up in the air and landed on the ground. Slit my throat ear to ear. Forget how many stitches it took to sew me back up. I still have a small scar on my neck that looks like a square root sign.

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OK, so I'm running to get a Frisbee. It lands under a Russian Olive tree, which has like 4-5 inch thorns growing out of the branches right? I stand up and feel this shooting pain across my scalp. The guy throwing me the Frisbee runs up and tells me that my Green Bay knit cap is looking a little red, AAAAHHHHHHHH! I run back to my apartment and find that a thorn has lodged itself in my scalp! AAAAAAH! #2. Drive to the ER and they tell me I need to have it surgically removed AAAAAAHHHHH! #3. They end up having to cut the $%#^@ thing out of my scalp, so I have a bald spot for about three weeks and to this day the hair still grows a little funny around that area. Good thing is it didn't affect any of my higher brain functions *twitch, twitch, drool, random noise, giggle, twitch" LOL

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i think my girl friend is still a winner...

she was in the bath room, and put her leg up on the toilet to dye her toe nails, her sister came bargin into the room, moved her a bit, caused the toilet led to move and SPLAT. fell on her pinky and brake it


(btw, she broke it two more times since, but not as funny :((( )

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