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Is there anyone you know anyone that you could either:


A: Let you plug your CPU and HSF into his rig and see how that reads.




B: Let you borrow their CPU and put it in your rig and see how the temps fair.


Hell do you have another 939 socket rig sitting in your house?

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I suspect your MoBo is just reading temps higher than the normal. That is an odd thing but nothing else explains it. Perhaps your board isn;t regulating volts well and is sendding 1.45v to the core... I can't tell with out testing.

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Normal? I've been told time and time again that it is well above normal :P


Thraxz, I haven't been able to check yet but my roomie has a Dell computer he bought a few months ago... I wouldn't be surprised if it is a 939.


But that still wouldn't tell me if the PWM IC and/or chipset is running too hot. What would you do in my situation?

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Guest burningrave101
Normal? I've been told time and time again that it is well above normal :P


Thraxz, I haven't been able to check yet but my roomie has a Dell computer he bought a few months ago... I wouldn't be surprised if it is a 939.


But that still wouldn't tell me if the PWM IC and/or chipset is running too hot. What would you do in my situation?


If he bought it from Dell a couple of months ago then its not a socket 939. Dell doesn't ship AMD desktops.

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I dunno, I thought all Dells were Intel. (READ: Not 939.)


Your temps are above normal... by about 5-7C from my personal knowledge on both numbers which, among other things, makes me think your MoBo might just read high.

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I'm sure you don't want to hear it, but I think you need to take the case out of the equation.

Your PWMIC temps lead me to believe there is very little airflow in the case.

Poor airflow = higher PWMIC and chipset temps.


Now don't freak out at me but I would suggest setting up the system outside of the case and looking at temps.

It at least will give you an idea of what kind of temps may be achieved. set the rig up on a non-conductive surface and do some tests.

This also allows you to hold/position additional fans onto the board to see if they will make a difference.


Personally I've never been thrilled with the stock perofrmance of CoolerMaster's mid-sized cases.

They usually have a low air flow intake fan wthat is blocked very well by front panel switches and paraphenalia.

And then HDDs mounted directly behind it that further reduce air flow into the case.

I usually wind up replacing the intake fan with a higher output model and run it off a fan controller.

The foam on the front may filter well but does impede air flow.


Same with the back, that is another of their designs that benefits greatly by cutting out the mesh on the rear 120mm and again often a good idea to replace it.


Looks like you are only using a single DVD so you may be able to set up a 120mm IN the 5.25" bay area.

You usually can secure it properly with some right angle brackets and double-sided tape or screws.

Remove the foam filter the front area as well so it can suck some air in. lookin' for some pics.




I always seem to have better performance when I replace the factory Thermal material on the HSF with Arctic Silver 5 or Ceramigue.

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