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Hello all been a while i am setting up a simple website for my guild on SWG and was wondering where i can get a forum set up..that i dont have to pay for...to add to the site

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well ive been looking at some of those links and i have no idea about any of this mysql stuff all i wanted was a simple forum type thing so that the people in our guild can comunicate without actually being in the game..does anyone have any ideas on a very simple forum setup?

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my host came with with invision board(which is i belive what occ uses) just went in the control panel typed in a folder name to create the foum in and it installed it. maybe your host has a forum for you to use...if you don't have a host yet, maybe thats somthing to look for in one.

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well ive been looking at some of those links and i have no idea about any of this mysql stuff all i wanted was a simple forum type thing so that the people in our guild can comunicate without actually being in the game..does anyone have any ideas on a very simple forum setup?

well i dunno about places for forums, but if you just want to let people communicate outside the game, you may not even need a forum, you can just have a guestbook type of thing...a message board, where you don't create topics, people just post (like what yahoo uses in it's fantasy leagues). Or you can also set up a chat room, though that may be just as difficult as creating a forum.


I know tripod has a lot of features, so check there. My webpage is on tripod, but i don't have a forum. It's free hosting, but i know some features require you to upgrade to a paid subscription.

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Here ya go this is the easiest and best forum site i can find, its www.invisionfree.com all you do is register and put the link up on ur site with an anchor, so they can click on it and go. It has 2 links an admin forum (which you can get to through the forums) or you can add that to your site to and you can have the only access to it. I used it on my site and it works good yet im gona try to get a fully customizable one.

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