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Hottest Opteron 165 of all time?

Guest area51_merged

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Guest area51

So I got myself a new Opteron 165 (CCBBE 0610) last night...


Good news:


It has already primed for 8+ hours @ 2.7 (300 x 9) with stock volts. I played around briefly and was super pi stable at 3Ghz w/ 1.45 vcore but will need some time to figure out where the limits are...


Bad news:


Pretty sure this is the hottest opty in the world. First off, I am using a Big Typhoon per sig with a scythe 120MM 53cfm fluid bearing fan on it...the chip with said cooling idled at 38c and loaded to 50c dual prime with stock freaking volts??? What the hell is that all about?


Mounted it repeatedly to account for any error but same results each time. Clearly it was IHS removal time :nod: so off she came. Now with stock volts I am idling at 34c and loading to 43c which is better but still...at stock volts? Are you kidding me?


Next thing to do I suppose is to set a hardware probe in there and see if this thing is just reporting BS or if it really is that hot.


Anyone else have one of these space heater Opty's?

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Are you sure all the obvious is ok, like your TTBT has a nice clean surface, and didn't need lapping, and you got your thermal paste too?

Mine's fine, but I'm on water, though I just ordered a TTBT to replace. I hope it's still fairly cool.

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Burky, you got a CCBWE like me, his is the new stepping. They seem to overclock like mad on stock volts but they punish you with crazy temps...


EDIT: @OP: I think you are referring to the CCB1E stepping, yes?

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Guest area51

Yeah all that stuff is good...done this a million times at least.


I have used numerous other processors in the same rig...there is no variation in hardware or technique of seating processor...each chip clearly has different thermal properties and ranges...this is just the highest I have ever seen.


Curious if anyone else has one this hot. I had a cabye 0540 146 that was close...but not this hot. Regardless of the bad contact between the core and the IHS (which is now gone) the chip is still damn hot for stock volts.


Edit: my chip is a CCBBE 0610DPMW

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Burky I see that you got the same stepping as me. Did you take off the IHS? And uf so did it really benifit you that much? Mine seems to be clocking higher than yours so maybe mine has the potential to clock even higher with the removal of my IHS. What do you think?

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Guest area51

In my experience you are not going to clock a lot better with no IHS...but you will run cooler.


If the difference is enough perhaps that means you can squeeze more volts in there and get a better clock with same temps as original ones...

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You have a wpmw, not a upmw. I was just trying 2.7ghz at 1.5v and it won't go. I don't want to up the vcore anymore, so I will go no further.

I didn't take off the IHS because my temps have always been great (24, 42), so I never needed to, and besides, it's risky to do, and devalues the cpu if you wish to sell it. I'm currently trying to get hold of a decent ccb1e stepping, so I need to be able to sell this one back on ebay.


Only remove your IHS if you have temp problems.


area51, what temps were you getting with your other opterons (dual cores). I'm just curious as to how cool the TTBT will get me in comparison to water. I bought some AS5 too, which I'm not using now, so that might be better.

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Guest area51

Big Typhoon is the best air cooling solution I have tried...


I have tried XP-120, SI-120, and Scythe Ninja (all with 120x38mm Panaflo 68cfm) XP-90 (92mm 48cfm Panaflo), Zalman 7000cu, 7700cu, AC Freezer 64 Pro, etc


None can hang with the Big Typhoon. The closest was the Ninja but that damn thing raised all mobo temps to hell because it does not blow any air down...


Normal temps on dual core Opty's with this set up for me have been 170 (@2.7 w/1.485v) 28c/43c, 170 (@2.8 w/1.45v) 31c/44c, 165 (@2.6 w/1.5v) 32c/42c, etc

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