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Putting Things in Perspective


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most of the come from the people who discover them(astorids and comets) otherwise i beleve its just a numerical system although you can buy the naming rights for them(stars and stuff) gonna get the missis one for her birthday,name that is not the star .....bit big to wrap

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speaking of asteroids there is one that is very large due to hit the earth in 2800 and they held a meeting for all scientists to give ideas about how to avoid it. and bring models of how they would implement there solution. there were some that were straight of the movie armagedon. and the guy who clinched it brought a potato and a magnifying glass.


So they are putting the required information together for the future generations that are gonna have to deal with it. and they say at least 10 years before it hits lol thats 2790.

to send up a satellite with a large inflatable lens and postion it infront of the sun on a piece of the asteroid that is constant and just burn it to make a tiny jet engine. they say if they increase its speed by at least 1 second per year we'll be fine :). assuming we are still around by that time .lol

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Actually, according to Newtonian Motion, there should be another planet between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where the asteroid belt is located. During the formation of the Solar System, the greater gravity-well of Jupiter kept the accretion disk so stirred up that the planet was never able to form.


Jupiter is the reason that asteroids are sometimes kicked down into an Earth crossing orbit putting us in peril.


The Moon does function somewhat as a defender keeping some material from striking the Earth. But actually the Earth gets more object hits due to its size. We don't see the results because one, the atmosphere causes them to burn up and two, the object that do strike the surface leave marks that are weathered away over time.


The Moon has no atmosphere or weathering to remove the impact results.


One day I'll tell ya'll about my Orbital Mechanics class and the practical demonstrations our professor put on for us. Seriously interesting for space geeks.

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fair enough :)


but on a smaller scale the moon has the same effect in guarding earth, it has craters all over the surface. whether that is its sole purpose for existing is left up for interpertation.


To be honest, a lot of the craters are due to the moon not having an atmosphere. And there is no erosion to wear away the impact craters.

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if mankind hasn't killed themselves off (and any other sentient race we might encounter) by 2800...then we better damn well have some technology to defend the planet (or maybe we'll be living in another arm of the galaxy by then?)




I don't see us making it much past the year 2200...

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