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HDD Cooling


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Ok next topic. I didn't feel like posting a new thread for it...



What would be the best way to cool my hard drive out of all those hard drive cooling things they have out now.

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first off they aren't really necessary unless you have several hd's in close proximity to each other. hard drives are made to operate within their temperature limits (external factors not withstanding, other drives creating heat, etc.). other wise they would be in effect self destructing.


the vantec 3.5 in slim cooler. unfortunatly it wasn't slim enough, because when i had 4 drives packed in to my cage n-2-b. there wasn't enough room for a cooler. all 4 drives quickly caused the drives to reach their max operating temp. however a couple fans in the front of my case solved the problem.

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I have an acrylic case,so i had to make them look nice i bought cyber coolers for my two drives modded them a bit (you can see them in my galery as they were) i still improved on them by changing the fans for 18cfm's and putting them on top,i chromed the orange alu. part and side of the fans, they look awsome now and pushing 36 cfm's(sorry no pics yet lol)

As skyocus said it's not that necessary if you have good air flow i only did it for the looks but still, it keeps the drives a cool 18c no matter what ;)


Edited by kobalt

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The way I figured it was, the cooler things are, the better they are.

Having a HD cooler WILL cool them down, maybe not a lot, but some.


I planned on getting one of those blue Vantec ones that goes on top of it in the hard drive bay or whatever.


I was also going to get one of them with the 3 fans that fit into the 5.25 bay just as extra fans for case cooling. If I did that, should they be intake fans?

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It's your move but those 3 fan things are 40mm fans ,the best a 40 mm fan can output is 10-12 cfm's,not much if you ask me.Better go with those 60mm 2 fans if you dont like them (cause they're kinda thin) you can always do as i did and get better 60 mm (26-28 cfm's ea.) and change them.

I too dont like the idea that when under load HDD heats up, that was my 2nd concern(after the looks lol)cause after all ,all your important things are in there and i also think it runs better cool,at least i feel beter about it ;)

Edited by kobalt

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