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Dead motherboard?

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Hey guys,


I decided to join these forums after a slight problem with my motherboard.


I got some OCZ Value RAM from a store for about AUD$118 which is decent I thought. But after I put these sticks into the motherboard, the moard powers up but nothing is displayed to the screen.


I replaced the OCZ RAM with the original Geil RAM and still nothing. In frustration, I got the Kingmax that was lying around and still nothing.


I've got the motherboard on the table at the moment and only the CPU and the RAM are in it ATM. Is it fubared (ie dead)?

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I did the proper CMOS reset and the same reset as RGone suggested. Unplug, then remove battery, move jumpers to clearCMOS position, reseat battery and jumper and finally power up.


I tried another stick of Kingston RAM. Nothing there. Don't have a PCI card. Maybe it is gone...


And have changed PSUs from the Antec to the Tagan that I had for the other system...

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Did it beep? Long beep or short? Did you see the LED lights? If no, check your power cable connections. Also, check if you have to connect your x800 to a separate power plug.

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Disconnect all power connectors/ide/sata devices and just run mobo, cpu and ram, not in a case. Remove all switches, speaker,s LEDs, and just use the integrated switches. you should get long beeps then for video. If you don't, dead board. If you do, add video. It's tedious, but it's a start.

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Hope it is not like mine but I am on my third board, as I believe the psu fried my board. On all three of my dead boards I noticed that the heat sink on the s/b near the agp slot is hot very hot not warm. In fact it is so hot that I can not leave a finger on it. When I first got the board a month ago it would only get warm. Just an idea but you may want to try that.

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Well, it's gone. The motherboard just refuses to boot so RIP. I still have the DFI CFX3200 on order for my other system so the DFI spirit isn't dead yet!


Time to get another board I guess :(

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