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My chipset cooler is killing me!

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Hello everybody!


I am new to this forum and a DFI user since 2 days...


I found some interesting mods on this forum while I was looking for a solution to my constanly noisy NB cooler on my DF SLI-DR.


Have a look at these pictures:





I put the Geforce in the bottom slot only to show how large it is and you can see it totally blocks the northbridge fan when installed in the upper slot :(


The GF6900GTX should be normally in the slot above the DFI cooler, this was just a test to see how much it helps (only 3 degrees)


I have an idle temp of around 50 degrees (in bios after boot with open case), couldnt measure load yet - but what really gets on my nerve is this noise cooler and the idea that my PC might go up in flames!


Please guys, I am very thankful for any ideas on how to solve this.




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something interesting that I have found about my board is that if I connect my HD to the SATA2 (according to the manual, not bios), the NB will be around 45 during idle. If I connect to the SATA1 or SATA3, it will be around 49~50ish.

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Seems like you've only got a few choices here, if you buy a VC-RE cooler, that is great normally, the card would block it. You need to build a cooler by yourself or find a place near Germany that sells the Jing Ting chipset cooler. One of these

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That is exactly what I need, I would even pay a fellow DFI user in another country to buy and ship it to me ;) any volunteers?


I will have to compare the dimensions with the space which is available, I am afraid though that even this nice cooler might be obstructing the SATA plugs or something else...


Now I wish I was so creative as to build my own cooler :(


new pictures with Geforce installed in the right slot:




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Checkout the pictures on that review for the JING TING cooler it maybe helpful for your decision. http://www.gideontech.com/content/articles/306/1 It looks like you would get away with blocking the Sata connectors but it would still be in the way of your GPU! If you need one let me know. I would get it for you and ship it to Germany! I would do it for a fellow German! He He :shake:

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You can mount the jing ting in any direction. The fins don't need to be over the SATA connectors... You can rotate the whole thing 90 degrees. Then it probably won't be in the way of your video card unless you plan on doing SLI. I am pretty sure it will clear that huge heat sink on the GPU. If you mount it in the manner shown in those reviews (with the fins to the back), you will not be able to use SATA1 or 2 unless you use low profile cables.


Personally, I would just get the evercool vc-re. I have tried both and the evercool cools better (always under 40c for me), is much cheaper, looks cool and takes up less space in the case. I have really good airflow in my case, though. So, it may not work as well if it is totally covered up.


Another thing to think about is that there is not much of a performance hit running the video card in the second slot at 8x PCI express instead of 16x. Its been discussed a lot that the difference is not noticeable. You might want to search around the forum for a more quantitative discussion of that.

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Personally, I would just get the evercool vc-re. I have tried both and the evercool cools better (always under 40c for me), is much cheaper, looks cool and takes up less space in the case.


Totally agree, I personally dislike the twinkling lights that it emits, but heck, in your case they won't even show up since the cooler will be totally covered...lol


I bought one just as a back up plan in case my original fan goes bad...I followed the awesome guide that angry put together and replaced the yellow goop DFI uses as a thermal interface and put it AS5....let's just say my 7800GT CO is over the primary 16x slot covering the chipset now and under load, the temperatures never exceed 46C at 4000 RPM.....needless to say the video card fan turns out to be louder than the chipset fan ever will be....

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Wow guys, thanks a lot for these very good replies, I must say this forum sets a standard ;)


It looks like you would get away with blocking the Sata connectors but it would still be in the way of your GPU!


What makes you think that? I guess I have to try...


Also I cannot put the card in the lower slot because then I couldn't use my Audigy without making my Geforce die from heat :confused:


I contacted JingTing if I can order something directly.. lets see.

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My advise is, buy a 120 Fan and put it where the end of your CD drives currently are (if you got space those drives put them somewhere else instead). This worked well for me, the fan is just a few fingers away from the chipset fan and provides it with fresh air. Unfortunately I currently cant show an image of that but I was able to drop temperatures to 43° at high load.

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My advise is, buy a 120 Fan and put it where the end of your CD drives currently are (if you got space those drives put them somewhere else instead). This worked well for me, the fan is just a few fingers away from the chipset fan and provides it with fresh air. Unfortunately I currently cant show an image of that but I was able to drop temperatures to 43° at high load.


still don't quite understand what you mean................

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