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Im starting a little project...as some of you know, im from argentina...land of the Asados (kick butt bbqs) and beatiful woman (?)


I was talking to a friend of mine, the other day...about matrix orbital displays and stuff, long story short...we're thinking on making our own customized LCDs displays with Fan control capabilities, temperature probes, wireless LCD panel and the posibilities are ENDLESS!


Now, the big question...would you guys be interested in getting this nice lcds?


We are talking about:

4x20, 4x40, and some other graphics models.

Some fan control circuits...a small box that lets you control fans thru software, not even using space in your drive bays...


Im all ears.


Thanx a lot guys.




EDIT: Prices might be lower than matrix orbital LCDs...and be customized for each costumer.

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If I had any idea what you were tailking about... maybe... gimme some links with some info. :nod: And some pictures. If it's cool, then I'm interested.



Well...do you know matrix orbital's LCDs and fan control features? Well...just that but better, and cheaper. ^^ (Actually im not sure about "better" but...equal its ok.)


We wanna be able to hear what the costumer wants, and do it JUST for him...that means, if Mr. A wants his fan controller without an external display...then we'll make one for him :D



PS: Sorry for my horrible english... plus technicism kills me.

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YOu might wanna think about the where you make them as Matrix Orbital display..

I bought a MO 4x20 about 2 months back..was pretty cool..

And then I found this 4" color LCD.. no much price difference.. I woulld have definitely bought that color LCD if I saw it first.. looks pretty awesome than the MO..

With Samurize and MBM5 you can create a nice system spec window and put it in there.. will be so much cooler than the MO..and you can customise the screen anyway you like..

So you should consider those stuff before getting on with that kinda project because you'd have to do it in quite a large scale you know.. because fan control bays are already in the market.. and the use of color lcd's are getting popular also because almost all vid cards now have dual display adapters..

here;s link..check it out..


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of course, the propblem with color LCDs as second dislplay is the lack of control you have for fans and stuff...the idea, is to get fans, temp probes, maybe an oled display and infrared reciever in a nice bezel and get that thing working.


About that color lcds, well...thats another subject...but it will be easyer to get one working...cause you skip the connect-the-freaking-display-to-the-serial-port mess.

Anyway...i love comunity feedback. THanx a lot guys!


PS: That Alphacool display ROXxxx! ...now, the one by the alphacool will be a nice add on :P

PS2: ill keep you guys informed...maybe some pics on friday.



So you should consider those stuff before getting on with that kinda project because you'd have to do it in quite a large scale you know.. because fan control bays are already in the market..

the main objective of this project is to give the ppl what they want...if you dont want a display, just knobs...then youll have just that. If you want knobs, color lcd, temp probes, fan headers with automatic temperature control,infrared reciever,maybe a nice wireless unit...or a dislplay that works thru ethernet ...youll have it!

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Yeah..I am thinking of adding the one NEXT to Alphacool.. that looks just awesome!

You idea sounds cool also with a very user friendly software...

Goodluck man.. keep us informed..

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Madu...i forgot to tell you, one of the models i have in mind will have a 5" lcd screen...and its going to cost about 130/150 with aluminum bezel and connectors, ready to use. (you made youre point, haha, color lcds screens are the way to go. :P)

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