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Getting that little extra...

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Ok, can anyone give advice on my current settings? I'm looking at 279x9, @ DDR456. Pretty sure that this is stable, but at a higher divider it fails to load memtest, or constantly reboots. I would like to get it up to DDR500, but this issue won't let me use the 180 divider. Would a bios update fix that? I believe that I'm using



I enclosed a link to a pic of my A64 v.6 and cpu-Z v1.33 results




Thanks, Jach

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I went to bios and changed a few settings...


Drive strength -> 6

Data Drive Str -> 2

LDTx -> auto

DRAM freq -> 9:10 ->

VDimm 2.7v -> 2.8v


Booted to memtest and ran 14 passes of test #5 with 4 errors in DDR501. What else could I do to tighten up my ram and avoid errors? Everything else is pretty much auto or default, still taking it slow since even after all the guides, I'm still not 100% sure on what every setting does or it's over all effect is...


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Ok, I set values for the Max Async, Read Preamble, and bumped it up to a 9:10 divider. Then started running memtest #5 until it got an error, starting at 280 FSB. From 280 down to 277 each value gave errors, all of them on passes #3 and 6. At 276, there were no errors. What do errors on error test 5 mean? I read somewhere here that thet were because the system was running too fast for the ram, or is it vise-versa?


So close to a stable ddr500, and a 2.5Ghz, what else can I tweak out of the auto settings?

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yes, orange slots are the best in 95% of cases ive seen...however....my 3000+ stopped oc'ing at almost the same spot as yours and im also using OCZ ram (not same type though).


try switching to yellow; thats what i hadta do.



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It's not that it stopped o/cing, its that any higher on the FSB on the 9:10 divider the ram starts giving errors on test#5. I know my 3000+ is capable of at least 280x9, but the ram doesn't want to be stable at any higher than what i have now - 276x9 @ 9:10. I'm pretty sure it has to do with timings, if i can just squeeze 2.5ghz and ddr500 out, i would be a happy camper :D


I'll try the slot switch and see what happens though, and report later...

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