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HI I plan on getting new cpu, either Amd 3700 san diego or opy 165.

Also new ram either gskill or OCZ 2 g Duel channel

At this time don't plan on overclocking

any suggestions on which dfi board and ram?would like to use ram in present board till all the rest can take place

Thanks in advance for your help

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That's a big step up from what you have now.


Your ram should work without a problem, but be warned, if you get a DFI LanParty series, you will spend time tweaking, so don't get frustrated. ;)


Welcome to the board btw...


Also - if your not going to do ANY overclocking at all, and want something that will just run and play games, get an nForce 4 Infinity series. The boards are pretty rock solid.


If you want to overclock and will do SLI and that sort of thing, save some money and get the Ultra-D. You can easily mod it. If your lazy, and don't feel like doing that, pick up the SLI-D/DR.


Make sure you read the stickies and stuff to learn about the requirements for your board. Since, some people don't...and end up posting the same question of a particular problem that everyone else has...

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Here's the coupon code for the Opteron 165 for 67.00 off at monarchcomputer.com




Also here's the best deal I've seen lately on G. Skills 2x 1gb PC4000 ram.





If you want more advice for parts to go with PM. For the Motherboards I would ask some of the big guys around here. Angry Games, AceGoober, ex roadie, technodanvan, voltes-5, etc.

That setup will be very solid for you and dont forget later on if you want to overclock that opteron 165 and ram set can overclock very well.

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I would get the OCZ RAM kit! And the Opteron OCs very nicely, im not sure about the 3700San Dieago. The 3700 San dieago seems to be very popular! I would say buy a PC which OCs nicely and if decide to not OC, at least you will have an EXCELLENT and VERY STABLE PC! Thats what im going to do. I think im going to OC my PC...but only when im ready to.

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Just to pipe in on my recent build - I'm a first time DFI user with the below setup (similar to items you are thinking about) and it was very smooth.


The 3700 seems to run very cool (36c idle/43c load) and I was effortlessly able to overclock it to 2.5 - it was so easy, I haven't even tried to go any higher! Literally all I did (after reading all the guides here, etc...) was set 1:1 and FSB at 250 x10 multiplier and it worked fine...no tweaking. The gskill ram is running at 250 with default mobo settings ( I haven't even messed with that yet) and both the CPU and Ram are running at stock volts/cooling. Very happy so far and when I have a free moment I plan to actually put some effort into a higher overclock, but heck, for now, I'm happy with the stability and ease of this overclock.

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Definitely the dual core. 2mb of cache versus one. Just bought an Opt 170, oc'ed it to 2.8ghz, so im technically beating out the FX60.


Opteron 165 oc great as well. so far, i havent seen someone on this website get BELOW a 2.5ghz oc, so thats STILL a 700mhz oc.


take care



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