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212FSB Max? Cant OC


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Atleast its up and running from that bad boot/bios fault I had.


But I still cant OC anything, It goes to 212Fsb then i get random BSOD and restarts.


My goal is atleast to get it to run 2.3-2.4Ghz 24/7

a1. LTD/FSB = X4.0

a2. CPU/FSB 212

a3. PCI EX Frequency = 100

a4. Cpu Startup VID = auto

a5. CPU VID auto

a7. LTD voltage = stock

a8. Chipset Voltage = stock

a9. Dram Voltage = stock



a1. 200 Dram Frequency 1:1

a2. Enable CPC

a3. 2.5

a4. 3

a5. 6

a6. 3

a7. 4

a8. 14

a9. 2

a10. 03

a11. 02

a12. 05

a13. 3120

a14. 05

a16. DQS Skew Control = INCREASE

a17. DQS Skew Value = 0 (zero)

a18. Dram Drive Strength= Level 6




a22. IDLE CYLCE= 256 cycles

a23. DYNAMIC Counter= Disabled

a24. R/W Que Bypass = 16x

a25. ByPass Max 7X

a26. 32 Byte Granularity = Disable 4 Bursts. (Cant choose 8 only 2-4)


Lemme know if u need screens from bios or anything!


U can se my comp. in the sign, i´ve got the latest bios : NF4LD329

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It is best to read and follow the oc guide in the stickies.


Anyway, here is a quickie:

First, find your max cpu speed:

1. set your mem ratio low, e.g., 2/3, and mem timing at auto since it does not matter at this stage.

2. set ldt/fsb at 3x

3. slowly increase fsb, 5 MHz at a time and test memtest 5 for a few loops

4. continue to increase until memtest fails, or fail to boot.

5. Change ldt/fsb to 2.5x or 2x, increase chipset voltage, and cpu Vcore until you reach 1.6v


You got your max cpu fsb when you cannot go further.


Start playing with mem ratio and timing to get the highest bandwidth.

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If your temps are good, give her some more voltage ;)


that always helps :P





Cpu 23*C / Chipset 30*C Shows that thru Smart guardian and shows 20*C Cpu and 27.8*C thru my Aerocool coolpanel 2 with sensors mounted on cpu and chipset...

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I read the OC guide and managed to get somewere :P


Now Im running:



multpl 10

htt 3x

mem 2.70v

cpu vid auto with cpu special vid 110%

memory @ 2.5-3-3-6 and 180mhz [10/9]


Do u think I can manage to get them to run in 2-3-3-6 (instead of 2.5-3-3-6) with about 200-210mhz?

Is it better with 2-3-3-6 in 200mhz than 2.5-3-3-6 in 210-220mhz?

And keeping cpu @ 2.3-2.4ghz...

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Right now:


230Fsb with 3x htt

1.456v cpu and 2.70v ram

5/6 divider to memory (=192mhz, I will go thru memory after cpu is done)


Do i need more power to Cpu?


Its @ Auto on Cpu vid and 110% @ special vid


2.4ghz is the goal, keeping memory @ 5/6 = 200mhz och 9/10 @ 218mhz


What is better, 200mhz @ 2-3-3-6 1T or 218mhz @ 2.5-3-3-8 1T ?


Dont think these rams will hold for higher than that, i couldnty even boot with 220fsb and stock speeds on memory before...


Edit: This will do it




Is 1.504v enough for cpu?

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I don't think you have found your max cpu speed, yet. So, don't worry about the timing for now. Put mem at 2/3 ratio. Put a real value on cpu vid control. But I don't recommend anything higher than 1.6v. Also, up the chipset voltage a bit to 1.7 or 1.8v. You should get at least 270x10 MHz.

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what kind of ram do you have?

I got the Corsair TwinX 2GB (2 sticks of 1GB) 3200C2PT v2.2, i get nearly the same as you:

2-3-3-6 no more than 202mhz,

2.5-3-3-6 can reach 210 with no errors.

3-3-3-8 can reach 220-222 with no errors in memtest.


currently using 250x10 for cpu, 5/06 for ram = 208 MHz FSB @ 2.5-3-3-6, seems stable.

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what kind of ram do you have?

I got the Corsair TwinX 2GB (2 sticks of 1GB) 3200C2PT v2.2, i get nearly the same as you:

2-3-3-6 no more than 202mhz,

2.5-3-3-6 can reach 210 with no errors.

3-3-3-8 can reach 220-222 with no errors in memtest.


currently using 250x10 for cpu, 5/06 for ram = 208 MHz FSB @ 2.5-3-3-6, seems stable.



I´m currently running 280*9 (2520mhz, felt more stable than 250*10) and with 4/5 divider for mem @ 2.5-3-3-6 and it seems stable to.


SuperPi, 3dmark03/05/06 works fine.


But some more mhz on the mem would be nice!


I´m using Corsair 3200C2 2048mb


Nice, now we can helt each other out and try different settings :D

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