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Oh No: 4 Horse Men

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Basically, just got the XFX 7900GT UPD7 and been reading up about the LEDS on the motherboard. Plugged it up using the Power Connector thingy and two 4 pin molexes, basically saw 4 red lights hit up on my board immediately. ALL BAD right? I was assuming at this point that only 3 lights would light up now. Keep in mind havent put in the ram nor the processor in yet. Should this be happening?

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What are you doing with just the video card in turning on the board? Follow the build guide, install your parts and pray it works. Without a processor the board isn't going to do squat.

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Seriously, you dind't put in the processor nor the RAM and you'd expect it to work? OFF COURSE THERE ARE 4 LEDS ON SINCE THERE IS NO PROCESSOR! The 4 LEDS tell you that the motherboard can't detect it! :P


Also the forums aren't closing, look at the date...

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LOL! I love this thread already. Dude, put all your equipment in and then post at the forums if you have problems.


That's like saying I just got the chasis to my new car but there isn't an engine in it yet. I turn the key for the ignition but the car doesn't start? Is my car a lemon?

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Guest Synchronize
That's like saying I just got the chasis to my new car but there isn't an engine in it yet. I turn the key for the ignition but the car doesn't start? Is my car a lemon?



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Lol..nice one cmay..

You said you have been reading about the diagnostic leds.. if you read about them you would have seen that leds indicate something wrong with cpu, ram, vid and so on.. if you really read it you should be happy that you got 4 leds flashing... because you had all your stuff lying in the anti-static bags..

you should really be posting in the forum if you DID NOT see the red leds flashing!!! because if you did not get the 4 leds you must RMA the board...:shake:

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