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Cant get anything to work

Guest Djghost_merged

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Guest Djghost

Hello, i have read around on these forums for a bit, and havent found anything that would show me what is wrong.


I just got all the parts for my new PC. Put it together, and all i get is the fans running and 4 red LED's Everything is brand new, fresh out of the box. And i am hoping that my parts arent bad. I dont really know what else i can say about it, every piece is brand new. Caps lock wont light up on keyboard, but the lights flash for a split second when it starts up.


*edit: Forgot to add, the speaker wont make a peep either. I made sure its turned on w/ the jumper

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Guest Djghost

I have a 450 watt PSU atm, Ultra 500watt modular sitting next to me, But i dont have the 4 pin cable for it, so using this japanese POS for the moment, its made by Okia. That is all i have hooked up atm besides my Seagate 80gb HDD

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DId you do a cmos clear? Thats your first choice atm...

I am not sure about your 450W psu..is it the one came with the case..?

I am assuming you are following the build guide and you have the mobo out of the case and with only cpu, psu, 1 ram stick in furthest orange slot and vid card connected...

DO the cmos clear, if no avails and if you cant find a listed psu then do a long cmos clear, if still no go and still cant find a listed psu, I think the next thing is to try and make sure your cpu and ram are working.. plug them on a mates mobo and see if they work..

good luck bro..

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Guest Djghost

Well, i just spent over a grand getting parts to build this thing, the ultra didnt come w/ the 4 pin plug, it was optional and i was told it was only for p4's, so i didnt get it. I'm not running it w/ SLI, i just got this so i can upgrade to it at a later date. If the PSU doesnt come w/ the 20pin my adaptor wont do it? the one i have now is 24 pin, but the ultra is 20 pin and i bought an adapter.

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STOP using that PSU and wait until you have the proper PSU running.


I'm not sure that Ultra will do the job either.


See here...



man, I use a 450w modstream, when should I expect my computer to blow up? Ultra X-Finiity are good, but the Ultra X-connect PS's were not very good. I've had my modstream for about 6 months I guess, its performed well.

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Guest Djghost

Well, i will get a diff PSU when i get some money, but as for now. I still dont know y nothing will work.

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Guest Djghost

Ok, well, if im going to get a new PSU, are there any modular PSU's you would recomend, i am just as worried about how this thing looks as how it runs

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Follow the link in ExRoadie's post and buy one of those.


btw, nothing beats the looks of this bad butt ocz powerstream... now if only i could only convince the neighbors to come over and stick their heads in my case. :P

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