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High Voltage


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As you can see in my sig I'm running my 3700 @ 2.75ghz BUT my voltage is WAY too high. I see everyone else doing 1.5v but I'm doing like 1.7... it's worrying me, but my temps aren't that high, im idling around 30-32 and load at like 38-42... (celsius)


I used both the nVidia nTune and the Smart Guardian temp/voltage monitor. The SG says that I'm using 1.7 and the nTune says im 1.53 (all the time though, if I up the voltage, it still says 1.53)


Can someone help me? I am totally confused/worried about my system.


(yes it is stable, 14 hr prime, I was going to submit into the database, but did not get time)

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1) don't use nvidia Ntune it can corrupt your Bios & is not recommended for these boards.

2) What are you reading 1.7v from bios or xp software. The vcore tends to be what you dial up in bios. I recently used a multimeter to check mine & found it was spot on. So depending what your reading your vcore may be > 1.7v


I'd just try backing it off & see what OC you can maintain. Try doing it old school in bios. :D


luck :)

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Keep it up and you won't be getting any clock, never mind overclock. :eek2: The cores are going to give you all they've got by ~ 1.55 volts. Maybe sell that one and get another?

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I just noticed that you've only got 1gb ram. That's very little strain on the memory controller, which is well equipped to handle 2GB at much higher htt than you've got with far less volts. Something in your settings has got to be wrong if you need all those volts to even get to 2.5?


If I were you I'd go back and start from scratch. I know some cores are duds, but geez, never heard of one that bad. :confused: Clear CMOS, reload optimized and start slow... give yourself a few days and ramp up slowly. Surely you can do better?


my $0.02.


btw, is that an E4 or an E6?

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it is E4




and yeah i tried to turn down voltages and stuff but nomatter what I COULD NOT STABLILIZE any sort of overclock... i can boot on my overclock, but it will fail prime right when i click the button..


and :) to supershanks

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