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Opteron 144,146 or 148?


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Im moving to opteron now, but i dont know if its worth to spend 80 more bucks on opty 148 instead of 144...any advice from opty users?


Also, im getting 2gb of ram...tired of having that horrible bottleneck there.


Thanx guys!


PS: Im not an OCer.

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If youre goin from that nice little CPU you have now and your not goin to OC then why waste the money? Better to get your Fresh 2x1g Ram and see how it goes first eh?

Im curious, can you purchase from NewEgg.com or Monarch Computers here in the states and have them ship to you?

Roughly $230.00 US for a 148 Opty here, oem.

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yes, i can...but i have to deal with corrupt custom employees, and no warranty. so i prefer going with local salesman :P


I AM going to buy 2x1gb first but i was wondering if its worth the shot at that opty...the 1mb cache makes that huge difference or thats urban legend? :P

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At stock speeds I dont know if the difference will be that great. With all the help around here you should try a little OC on your 3000 first... hey if you fry it you can always go for an opty heh. You could always buy insurance on your shipment. Your equipment surely looks capable of at least some moderate OC'ing.

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Guest area51
...the 1mb cache makes that huge difference or thats urban legend?




In my experience the 1MB cache vs the 512KB cache on the 939 platform when running at the same clock speed yields you an incredibly small increase. I cannot tell the difference at all.

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I purchased an Opty 144 and pushed the FSB up to 289 so that little CPU runs at 2.6 Prime Stable.

No extra voltage, not much extra heat.

That is on an Abit AV8 (until I get my new DFI board) no other settings changed except my ram.


@Wangerin.......Why you need at least 10 x multiplier ???


@jumpman........Opty's dont like much extra Voltage if at all so no need to worry about frying it.

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So, is there a review of 144, 146 and 148? So i can have an idea of performance increase with each processor? (sorry if this is taking too long for you guys, i dont want to make a mistake with my investment.)

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So, is there a review of 144, 146 and 148? So i can have an idea of performance increase with each processor? (sorry if this is taking too long for you guys, i dont want to make a mistake with my investment.)


performance depends greatly on steppings!

My 144 easily gets to 2.6 where as some struggle to get 2.4 and some get 3.0 plus.

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