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Is 1000 Fsb Possible With This Spec?


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i am considering buying the following spec


Intel Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz Boxed 800 FSB, 2.4-C

Abit IS7

Maxtor S-ATA/150 120GB 7200RPM 8MB

- DiamondMax Plus 9, 8 MB cache


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Nice comp yea youll be able to hit 1000fsb with some more cooling (a lot of fans). I don't know if you need the pc4000. A little too much overkill, unless your going vapo or water cooled then you can really overclock.

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first off, don't be brain washed by marketing. the FSB is NOT 800mhz stock on your P4. it's 200mhz. just like the athlons aren't 400mhz, they're only 200mhz. and secondly the real 250mhz goal you're looking for isn't that far out or crazy. good enough cooling, AND a good enough chip and you can do it.

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thanks for both of the replies


yup the little i know includes knowledge about 200mhz quad pumped into 800fsb (not 800mhz) and amd only using transmitting 2 bits per clock cycle but thanks anyway


SLK900 w/92mm should be good enough right?


there would be plenty of case fans too, silent ones though


is the ram overkill? i thought i would need ddr500 to get 1000fsb in 1:1


i am not keen on overclocking ram too much and this dd500 is cheaper than

2 x pc3500 corsair (although this has lower latencies but that shouldnt make much difference as this is a p4 rig)


so 3 questions now


thermalright slk 900 w/92mm enermax adjustable sufficient enough?


roughly what temps should this have? 50-55c? under 50c?


the ram? should i go for corsair xms 3200 instead?


cheers guys been a great help so far

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Ok I have hit 1200(300) with my 2.4C. If you want my advice this is what u should change on your setup.


1. Change mobo to a Asus P4P800 Deluxe. Its a Springdale 865 chipset. Board is ranked #1 as far as speed is concered. I used that board to hit 1200(300) on AIR.


2. If you want to go sata keep twin drives but small ones. so if you want 120GB get 2 60GB drives. If you want good sata speed get the Western Digital Raptor Drive they are 10K rpm. I would atleast recommend buying one for your primary o/s partition then you can get a 7200rpm or another raptor(s) for everything else.


3. Forget Geil memory for PC4000. If you want good speed get OCZ's PC4000 I run it and i couldn't be happier with it. Don't get 3500 or 3700 u will only be shanking yourself if you want to push higher than 1000fsb.


4. if you want 1 cd-rom drive for now I would go to newegg.com and get a samsung dvd-rom/52X CD-rw combo drive.


Just look at my wcpuid screen shot.

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wow you have got a nice system running.

Are you running your ram at 1:1?


raptor drives cost too much and are too small dont want to raid it just yet.

In a year or so I might get another 120gb maxtor and raid that.


OCZ much more expensive than geil, that is why i chose geil. I think that

geil has lower ram timings too.

Does this matter as long as it runs at the rated speed?

OCZ @ 500MHz = Geil @ 500MHz + saving $$$

Is this right?

I would be happy at 1000 FSB so would geil be really that bad?


OCZ puts me over my budget by way too much. Hence, I cant get pc4000 OCZ.

Is there anything wrong with the geil as a cheaper alternative?


Already have a sony dru 500 AX that i am gonna stick into the rig so a dvd reader is sufficient.


I will take a look into that mobo... I thought that the IS7 was more or less the same thing as P4P800 performancewise; both use that memory enhancement thing right. If it doesnt cost too much more ill go for it instead. Probably wont be able to get the deluxe version though.


What does the P4p800 deluxe have that the normal p4p800 doesnt?


Cheers guys, you have been a great help so far.

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not sure right off the top of my head check newegg.com and look at the pics or go to asus's website.


It all depends on what u want to get up to on the mem. Most mobo's right now aren't reaqlly designed well for ddr500 so i was just giving u a heads up. I havfe had 3 sets of pc4000 and only the ocz really worked for me when u get to 1000(250)


Temps Idle were 35-40 and full load 45-50. That was using a Volcano 7+ with 4 tornade case fans.


I would go with eithe rof the p4p800 boards as a definate over abit.

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