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Help - Upgrading From Gf4 Ti4400. What


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I want to upgrade my video card, which is presently a GF4 Ti 4400 128MB.


I'm running a XP Barton 2500, AsusA7N8X-DEL, 1GB DDR400 2x60GB Maxtor Diamond Max Plus 9, Allied 400w PS.


I'm a gamer so I want something fast and dual monitor support. I'm looking to spend 200 - 300 bucks.

With all the ATI models, plus the new Nvida cards, I'm confussed.

Is an AIW ok for games or should I go with a Pro???

Appreciate the help.



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the way things are going dont get a nvidia card . with all the driver cheating or optimizing as nvidia calls it. id suggest a 9800nonpro wich can be found for about 280 online and overclock it to 9800pro speeds or as close as you can get it thats going to be your best bet . http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.html?i=1863

heres a good read on the hl2 benchmark that shows just how good the ati cards are doing not to merntion ati has alot better iq than nvidia


aiw adds tv tuner and more multimedia options but the only 2 id suggest are the 9700pro aiw or the 9800pro aiw

Edited by fanATIc1205

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I'm a gamer so I want something fast and dual monitor support.

that there rules out all the AIW's except the 9600 pro all in wonder. only one with dual head support that doesn't require a tv or a seperate pci card to make it work.

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found out the hard way that all in wonders can be used with a second vid card. however you can't have a pair of all in wonders (1 pci 1 agp) or even a pci aiw along with a good agp card :( silly ati fails to mention this problem until you buy an aiw 9800 pro and a aiw ve pci and end up having to email tech support AFTER you get NO video out of anything.

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Thanks everyone.


I've been running a ATI Wonder VE pci card with my GF4 4400.

It does the job, but not very well.

That's why I asked about an AIW. I thought I would get everything in one card.

The number 1 priority is speed though so if a 9800 is the better way to go, I guess I'll keep the Wonder VE.

I do want to run multiple monitors eventually, but right now, it's not a priority.


Again, thanks for the info everyone,


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