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[RESOLVED] Bad RAM and Video Card - Boot Problems

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Everytime I boot up my computer, it systematically shuts itself off. Sometimes it doesn't even get that far. The power buttons (both on the case and on the motherboard) sometimes don't do anything at all. I haven't had any problems before with this power supply (the voltages are pretty stable and it ran pretty well with my old motherboard -- mATX Foxconn).


I've removed most of my components to see if there's any difference, but so far, removing the soundcard/dvd burner/wireless card hasn't produced any other results.


When it does turn on, it has no problem posting (and going through all of the 4 diagnostic LEDs). It just doesn't make it very far before turning itself off. I'll post my BIOS's date, temperatures, and voltages soon. I'm pretty sure I'll have to flash the BIOS (because of my X2), but if I can't get it to stay on...



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Did you assemble it into your case? Best to assemble and test out of the case. That way, it's easier to pack and ship for RMA or to toss out the window depending on mood of the moment. Please Smile and be patient. You seem to be working in the right direction.

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Ok...so I got the system completely stable memtest86/prime95 on both cores (and only 33 degrees at full load :-D), however, when I went to put the DVD drive back in, it would repeatedly shut itself off when the drive was on the first IDE channel. Not so much on the second channel. Maybe the first is bad? I don't really need both channels, as I'm a SATA kinda guy and don't need more than 2 optical drives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I'm back, and with continuing problems. After getting everything stable (or so it seemed with 2 instances of Prime95, and superpi running), I went to install a nifty Arctic Cooling Silencer on my 6800GT. The power supply has resumed it's power protection, again. It promptly turns off after ~1-2 minutes of turning the machine on. I am confused yet again. Since then I have rewired everything twice, to no avail. The voltages are the same as before and the temperatures look good (from BIOS and from nMonitor). Ack. Help?

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You don't have any shorts or improper grounds that could be causing the power supply to safety switch itself? Have you tried pulling all your hardware and starting fresh?

IE - need to pull all your hardware, and test using the basics (cpu, 1 ram, vgu etc.), see if it will fully power up. If so, install another piece of hardware. power up fine? ok, put another piece in and so on, until you have either found the culprit or just wasted some time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so I went through each component, piece by piece. Guess what I found...a completely stable computer with one of the DIMMs removed. I switch them, same ol' problems. Go figure. I loosened the timings like crazy (2.5-3-3-7 @DDR400) and it still didn't like it. After a nice 2 minute conversation with Patriot tech support, we determine RMA is my best option. I just got a back stick...problem solved :D


Thanks for the help,


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