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Booting up problems

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i used the optimised bios settings frm the sticky and after that i realised only my dvdrom is detected.


i reconnected the stuffs and still my OS drive couldnt be detected. then i changed the molex for the os drive and rebooted. now the dvd-rw couldnt be detected and i decided to ignore the bios message abt unable to detect this dvd-rw, then it told me OS drive error, and refused to load windows.


i rechecked the connections many times but still ended up with the same prob.


current bios settings shld be stock (except i changed the boot devices lineup, and set the vcore to 1.45v, multiplier to 9)


it was only after i tried loading the "safe defaults" feature (which failed) and reset the cmos then i managed to load into windows(which took damn long)



till now my dvd-rw couldnt be detected. so i tried installing the dfi drivers using the cd but i keep getting bsods

machine_check_exception 0x0000009c

and whenever i tried to boot into safe mode to uninstall msi drivers plus install dfi ones i get this prob.


i get this prob as long as the dfi drivers disc is inside the dvd-rom drive

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i used the optimised bios settings frm the sticky and after that i realised only my dvdrom is detected.


i reconnected the stuffs and still my OS drive couldnt be detected. then i changed the molex for the os drive and rebooted. now the dvd-rw couldnt be detected and i decided to ignore the bios message abt unable to detect this dvd-rw, then it told me OS drive error, and refused to load windows.


i rechecked the connections many times but still ended up with the same prob.


current bios settings shld be stock (except i changed the boot devices lineup, and set the vcore to 1.45v, multiplier to 9)


it was only after i tried loading the "safe defaults" feature (which failed) and reset the cmos then i managed to load into windows(which took damn long)



till now my dvd-rw couldnt be detected. so i tried installing the dfi drivers using the cd but i keep getting bsods

machine_check_exception 0x0000009c

and whenever i tried to boot into safe mode to uninstall msi drivers plus install dfi ones i get this prob.


i get this prob as long as the dfi drivers disc is inside the dvd-rom drive





1) Try to do a CMOS reset using this method . Post back and tell what happened.


2) Exactly what power supply are you using , the power supply should be at least 480Watts. Check out this list of recommended power supplies :)


3) Have you connected all four connectors (pictures illustrating connections are in this thread )


Looking forward to hearing your response.




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1) Try to do a CMOS reset using this method . Post back and tell what happened.


2) Exactly what power supply are you using , the power supply should be at least 480Watts. Check out this list of recommended power supplies :)


3) Have you connected all four connectors (pictures illustrating connections are in this thread )


Looking forward to hearing your response.




will try that tmr (it's 1am here)


got a question, i noticed the 4 power connections and there's this 4 pin smack in front of the cpu and a 4 pin molex.


what's it for ? are they supplying power to the floppy etc or drawing power (i doubt so)


my PSU is some Xenac 400W


thought it shld be enough cos i checked with this psu calculator site and i only required 380+W max

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will try that tmr (it's 1am here)


got a question, i noticed the 4 power connections and there's this 4 pin smack in front of the cpu and a 4 pin molex.


what's it for ? are they supplying power to the floppy etc or drawing power (i doubt so)

Not sure exactly what they're doing but I know that they have to be connected to ensure system stability , if you search around enough on these forums, I'm sure the exact reasons are clearly documented. My advice ..... connect all 4 connectors :)


my PSU is some Xenac 400W


thought it shld be enough cos i checked with this psu calculator site and i only required 380+W max


The official word is that 480 Watts is the minimum and you should try as best you can to stick to the power supplies listed in the link I gave before. Can you get a power supply to borrow that is on the list just to check ?




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The official word is that 480 Watts is the minimum and you should try as best you can to stick to the power supplies listed in the link I gave before. Can you get a power supply to borrow that is on the list just to check ?






nvm the connectors. plug first talk later. :nod:


btw, the pics aint clear abt this. those connectors are coming frm the PSU to the board right ?



dont think i can find someone who's willing to loan. plus my schedule's damn tight to even test the system fully.


think i better buy 1..


:eek: more money spent.. :sad:

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nvm the connectors. plug first talk later. :nod:


btw, the pics aint clear abt this. those connectors are coming frm the PSU to the board right ?

Right. But plug them all in first and see if you can achieve the desired level of stability. You may not need another purchase. What stability is desirable he asks. Well see below :cool:


Questions to answer regarding system stability.

1. Have you run MemTest five full times test 1-8?

2. Have you run MemTest, test #5 & test #8 for at least 50 loops?

3. Have you run Prime95 torture test (blend) for at least 8 hours?

4. Have you run the full suite of 3DMark tests (01, 03 and 05)?

5. SuperPI 32M test


7. Any others you can find to give your system hell :D

If you have run all of the above benchmark and stress tests, did they all pass? They should!

Links to good memory testers.

http://www.memtest.org/ Memtest86+ version available to test memory from DOS before windows boots. No errors should appear.

http://hcidesign.com/memtest/ Download HCI freeware memory tester from within windows. Should show no errors.


dont think i can find someone who's willing to loan. plus my schedule's damn tight to even test the system fully.


think i better buy 1..


:eek: more money spent.. :sad:

Bummer :( . If you're going to buy , make sure to use the list .


Best Regards,


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