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anyone play x3?


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just got a copy today and im honestly for the first time a bit overwhealmed at all the things to learn. never played a game this complicated before. makes evin flight simulators look like MArio in terms of learning curve. anyone wanting a pretty kickass looking space combat simulator check it out. youlle need a beefy systym to run it though as the grafix are pretty much the best ive ever seen.

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that review pretty much sums up my experience with the game...except that review isn't laden with cursing and honesty flaming hot hatred for such a poorly executed sloppy piece of junk


the game idea itself is tremendous...Freelancer but extremely deep...but execution is so weak that I cannot believe it ever got out of Alpha status...

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i wont be able to give my full honest opinion for at least a week. but so far it sems like the kind of game that can take up alot of time. and i love the beautiful scenery. only thing i find frustrating is the interface seems laden with alot of controls to keep track of. and locating shipyads ect in un explored teritory seems pretty much to be pointing your ship in a random direction and hoping you run into something. but it may be that i just havent been outfitted with kickass sensors or something with better range. sound and framerate were a bit chunky at first but with the new pach i got its butter smooth now. and much clearer.


any others out there that u like travis? i kinda rember you playing an online SPace MMO but i cant rember what it was called.not sure i could play an mmo since my internet card is mobil and the ping is in the 800-1000ms range.

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been playin 4 a couple days. i recomend it if you dont mind a game that i going to take a VERY long time to get any where. and is frustrating to learn. with the patch(bout 100megs) most of imidiate problems i noticed where fixed(broken sentances from the ship computer: "Gamma......one.....flight.......leader"<---before/after--->"Gamma one flight leader") and improved framerate due to better instructions to/from the cpu where the most noticable. the games 2nd disk wouldnt install so i switched to a different drive and it worked fine. theres also a patch online that has the file(guess certn brands of readers couldnt read disk2)


the interace tries to simplify things.....but makes it more complicated. the manual is almost worthless. the navi comp is a nice idea, but is flawed......representing 3d space on a 2d grid=not very effecient. i havent figured out the radar yet. it seems like its styled after wing commander 3, but i gave up looking at it since it only dissoreants me.instead i follow the view screen and fly towards the icons wich points to the shortest anle to the target.


ok thats the bad....now the good:

you can o so much its awsome.wanna be a lowly cargo pilot?cool spend your time investing in a freight hauler.slow but can tak a beating. buy cheap items and sell them elsewhere for proffit.. how bout a pirate?or a smuggler?wanna join the police or military?mabee you just wanna be a taxi beetween sytems. evin a bounty hunter is possible.not enough? fine equip your ship with scanners and drilling equipment and go mine asteriods. or gas mine nebulas. setup a fleet f ships that gather raw materials and deliverthem to your factories wich produce trade goods for your transport fleet to ferry to other sytems for sale. or put your factories near a major hub so othrs come to you.purchase a fleet oh battle ships and do a hostile takeover of a sytem. maintain a security fleet to protect your assets.


get the idea? i give the concept an A / grafix A / soundC(nothing special nothing bad) / Gameplay and interface D(very crappy) / Learning curve D(difficult to figure out)

all said and done i got my 40 bucks worth. but only because im oging to look past the flaws and invest the time it takes to build an empire.

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i like Freelancer........ thats as deep as i would get on a space sim lol


luv Freespace...old game.... and of course x-wing series... played it on a voodoo6600 lol

Freelancer rocks!


momma, me, and our real good friend where we used to live played that damn game for...about 6 months straight online, and with as many mods as we could find!

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