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Current DIY-Street Video Tutorials (updated 5/2/2006 Evercool VC-RE in


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HAHA, my bad I thought you were busting a joke. I like my VC-RE, dropped almost 10C off my temps, nice tutorial Angry. I guess that's the DFI-Street theme song, I like it, it's pimpin'.

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its full 720x480p (progressive scan) from a very nice Panasonic PV-GS250, and I edit it in Vegas 6.0


I've bought the dv cam for $550, the Vegas program for $399, and even the Adobe Premiere 1.5 DVD for $1399 (thank god it is all tax deductible lol) over the last year and I can't even figure out how to use Adobe at all...so I use Vegas which took me a bit to learn but is actually quite powerful (and I only use about 10% of it's power I bet simply because i don't know how to use it like a pro...but as you can tell, it gets better each time I fool with it!)




that's the reason the vid is so large...the original single-pass CBR (constant bit rate @ 1MB/s stream) was only 69MB


but when you saw the motherboard and live action etc, it was grainy and pixelated...but 2-pass CBR @ 3MB/s stream...made it 170MB but the quality is insane!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Retratserif

Holy crap that windows setup video was awsome. Is there anything else I could do to improve performance past that video. I have always done most of that stuff, but not nearly that structured. Well I missed a few things in Services, but pretty close.


I have 2 250gb WD 16 Mb Cache Sata 3.0's atm. I plan on gettign something that I can store all of the programs that are not goign to change, drivers, game installs, ect.


I want to do the WD's in Raid 0, and have everything else I need on another drive.


Is there anything you would suggest? You know to make it a bit easier to reformatt and install everything like in that video.


Oh yeah, can raid drivers be installed any other way than with that floppy disk?


One day I will make a slipstreamed SP2 disk with all of my drivers and everything. I have a buddy willing to talk me through it in TS. Then again, I will have to make another one just for dual core, since I will be getting a opty 165 one day.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow! I was really interested yet hesitant about the IHS removal, but thanks to your tutorial I now know what to do and I am going to do it tonight, I will be back in a bit (if I don't mess it up) :D


Thanks again for another brilliant tutorial :D


Edit:Well it appears, that without the IHS in place, my HSF doesnt get enough contact on the CPU and it overheats :(


I've placed it back on for now (after applying fresh compound)....oh well :/


Edit2: Modded my retention bracket (to make it lower) and it now has enough contact without the IHS :D


temps are now below 30c according to SmartGuardian (Cores are around 35c)...not that impressed with it though, but it was an exciting mod :D

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  • 3 months later...

Nice IHF removal vid, tempting to do it to my athlon but I fear my Zalman Fata1ty FS-C77 would crush the core. Since I can't afford to replace it I'll hold out until I see someone with the same HSF that has succesfully completed the mod.

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