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Might take a look at this. What I did was take a piece of plexie Glass and cut to size for 3 40mm fans then I took Board standoffs and put them together to make a post and used them on the board screewdown holes by the memory slots. Since I cant hear much. I use my cpu cooler fan plunged strait to PSU and I used the cpu board fan plug for my memory cooler It would work grate for you. This is a pic before I got my BT heres a pic that a look



yes! stand off's thats a great idea, why didn't i think of that. thanx :) ...did you need a spacer/washer to secure the mobo from the stand off underneath the board itself?


those fans look like 50mm's where did you find 40mm's that glow blue? SVC?



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thats great 225. yah, i've read about TCCD not liking voltage, but mine loves it. i've also read where 2.5 runs fine and will get you high frquencies, but mine won't even post unless i set it to 2.0...




I had tccd once that also 'seemed' to like voltage..


So the overclocker that I am lol.. I gave it what it wanted !!


I fed it 3.v-3.1v everyday and it worked ok for about a month then one day I started having problems posting.. After extensive testing and troubleshooting I found the ram to not even post when cas2.5 was set even at stock speeds.. But it would work fine at cas2.. I also noticed that if I raised the voltage to 3.2v the errors were less..


So I would be a little more conservative with the voltage on tccd .. Just my opinion..

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yes! stand off's thats a great idea, why didn't i think of that. thanx :) ...did you need a spacer/washer to secure the mobo from the stand off underneath the board itself?


those fans look like 50mm's where did you find 40mm's that glow blue? SVC?



yeah if your stand offs have enuff thread to allow it. the fans came on the blue ice chip set heat sink There 5 buck for the hole sink and fan but it was the only way i could get the cool fans :nod: you notice i took it off the chipset sink lol till i got enuff fans for all ;)

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i'm sorry but i've heard this too many times. it's like people just wanna shove this down peoples throat. it does make a difference when number crunching is concerned, like: transcoding a DivX to Mpeg1 for TV viewing or encoding cd after cd from wav to mp3 right off the CD or encoding a game to ISO. you can even see it in SuperPI scores, which benches how fast your computer can crunch numbers. i even see a difference in 3DMark scores, granted not enough to call home about, lol


i've read Anandtechs review and it's true, in large streaming apps it hardly makes any difference, but when memory dependent apps or programs that rely on cpu cycles, or the lesser of them to retrive the data (which is what tightening timings do), it does make a difference.


i already gave the example that if the memory controller is requiring data off the system ram.


and 4% difference in gaming makes little to no difference in framerates, but it makes a difference if you're not only using your system for gaming.





I say you know what you're talkin about GM.

I wouldn't follow your posts if I didn't.

Although overclockin my memory won't do much good for me I still have fun doin it.

And isn't that what its all about ?


I may put this ram in the nf7 or I may get a micro 939 and a 3000+ venice and run 2.7 ghz 1 to 1 with the patriots. undecided


Not really into gaming to much. Got a good deal on the 6800 or else I wouldn't have it. I just like tweakin and learnin about computers.


How many times you gonna hafta explain all that ?

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I had tccd once that also 'seemed' to like voltage..


So the overclocker that I am lol.. I gave it what it wanted !!


I fed it 3.v-3.1v everyday and it worked ok for about a month then one day I started having problems posting.. After extensive testing and troubleshooting I found the ram to not even post when cas2.5 was set even at stock speeds.. But it would work fine at cas2.. I also noticed that if I raised the voltage to 3.2v the errors were less..


So I would be a little more conservative with the voltage on tccd .. Just my opinion..

You are right Thunda, maximum vdimm voltage for TCCD ram would be 3.1 volts and that if the cpu core in use is a Newcastle or some other old one... 2.9v, maybe, for newer cores. Temperature isn't an issue, but the chip's circuits are.


Had the same problem with Rev2 a year ago: that time was the motherboard I was using what caused the problem as one day the modules only worked with CL2 regardless of the vdimm I used. Funny thing also happened: at CL2 the frequency those modules would work at increased speeds nearly 250 mhz, something like 248 mhz at CL2 3 4 10 (nF3 Ultra back then) and maybe a little more.


OCZ' people explained it was a chipset issue and replaced the faulty RAM, I still blame the motherboard till this day :mad:

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oic, ya, the x16 bus isn't even being used to it's potential.


i read many threads that people say they get the same scores on beches using an x8 or x16 bus speed.



Exactly why the 16x SLI chipset isn't worth the upgrade yet.


Have you read about those Quad SLI 7900 GTX 512mb things that some sites talk about? The motherboard in question had this chipset, so both dual 7900GTX 512mb were connected to a 16x PCIe slot. I don't remember how but after considering the speeds and some requirements I came to the conclusion that these dual GPU cards require something like 12x PCIe speeds, not even near 16x but something higher than the 8x we all have. The other thing I considered and the real trick for such system is the power requirements, something in the order of 250w @ 12v for each dual 7900GTX 512mb card :rolleyes:


Not sure if someone else mentioned this before in this thread... I have been away a lot lately :sweat:

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yah, my ram refuses to run 2.5 ever since i got it, no matter how little of voltage i first applied. i was reading all this TCCD doesn'tneed over 2.8 maybe 2.9 to get high clocks but mine always needs 3.1v. maybe b/c it's running 2.0, i dunno. i've had my ram running video games as high as CPUz - 272mhz 2.0-3-4-5-1T and it ran for hours like that with a ht300mhz and 3000mhz cpu. but i try and run 3D05 and it crashes when i get to the cpu testing part. so i figure the cpu needs more juice and i tried up to 1.675v and it still crashed. so i think it's a heat issue.


right now i'm running 3000mhz ht300mhz DDR500 2.0-3-3-5-1T and it runs the 3D05 bench just fine. i still think once i get my water back i'll be able to run 272mhz mem bus.


oh, and yes, i've seen both SMP Video Cards that you can buy two and run SLI with 1gig of vRam, and the SLI Vid Cards that use the daughter board and each carry 512mb for a total or 2gigs of Quad SLI vRam.


just imagine trying to power all that! 1000watt PSU anyone? lol



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Hey GM you still waitin for cooling parts? Damn your way more patient than me. I bet your gettin alittle anxious by now at least. Glad to see your vacation wasn't permanant. Shoot me a pm when ya get the water runnin so I can follow the progress ok.
well, i got the parts today, i think. i got a note on my door saying there's a package waiting for me up at the office and i think thats it. YAY! *Does a little Dance* lol


AND guess what else finally got back from newegg RMA? my new 7800GS and it's the 1.3 version AND it RUNS! at the factory overclocked speeds. it's an XFX7800GS Extreme Edition so it runs 440/1300. altho i'm very happy my card runs correctly now, it doesn't OC like the others do. best i can get is 450/1500 when many of the BFG owners are doing 500/1500 *sighs* oh well, at least it runs correctly now.


been playing Far Cry with HDR and altho it make many scenes look awesome, it does have some bugs in that game. nothing another patch won't fix i suppose. i'm going to go DL FEAR tomo. :nod:


i'm considering doing a solder mod to my 7800GS. there's resistors that limit the voltage to the gpu and ram. there's no shortage of voltage available. so i might solder a wire over the resistor to bypass it and see if my gpu overclock improves. but thats for a later date.


next up will hopefully be the water cooling install.


i'm REALLY considering buying this water replacement liquid



what do you guys think?



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yah, my ram refuses to run 2.5 ever since i got it, no matter how little of voltage i first applied. i was reading all this TCCD doesn'tneed over 2.8 maybe 2.9 to get high clocks but mine always needs 3.1v. maybe b/c it's running 2.0, i dunno. i've had my ram running video games as high as CPUz - 272mhz 2.0-3-4-5-1T and it ran for hours like that with a ht300mhz and 3000mhz cpu. but i try and run 3D05 and it crashes when i get to the cpu testing part. so i figure the cpu needs more juice and i tried up to 1.675v and it still crashed. so i think it's a heat issue.


right now i'm running 3000mhz ht300mhz DDR500 2.0-3-3-5-1T and it runs the 3D05 bench just fine. i still think once i get my water back i'll be able to run 272mhz mem bus.


oh, and yes, i've seen both SMP Video Cards that you can buy two and run SLI with 1gig of vRam, and the SLI Vid Cards that use the daughter board and each carry 512mb for a total or 2gigs of Quad SLI vRam.


just imagine trying to power all that! 1000watt PSU anyone? lol



That ram looks exactly as mine did... but back then pushing 3.1v with my 3500+ Newcastle didn't changed anything: CL2.0 was the only one that worked, CL2.5 and the system didn't post at all.


I don't want to alarm you but maybe you need to contact OCZ RMA and try to solve this issue that way; the memory isn't working as it should.


As for the Quad SLI 7900 GTX monsters, nVidia says that each individual video card RAM doesn't add up to the other when running SLI... but these are running dual in SLI so I guess its 512 + 512 mb in SLI like you said and this means a HUGE thing. I don't think the system power supply will ever be used to power those two monsters, two secondary 250w 12v power supplies would be good for the job; Thermaltake already is making smaller 250w psu's that fit in the 5.25" bays... something like this will have to be used, twice! :sweat:

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so what's the verdict on the MCT-5 Non-Conductive Solution?




i know it's $20 but i'm thinking $20/year may just be worth it due to lack of hassel in cleaning my expensive water cooling system.


if you use plain distilled water you're get corrosion and mineral build up in your blocks, specialy i the tight tiny crevices like in my "white water" clone block, and you can't get that out easily, if at all w/o damage.


if you use distilled water and ZSRC, which is cheap, then you get an opaque build up in your tubing that makes your tubing have a gritty inner wall, not nearly like Water Wetter tho, which impedes water flow. granted this doesn't happen for many months, but you do end up with tubing like this after a year; and it makes your tubes look nasty. some people just buy new tubing b/c to clean it out you'll need PCB cleaner or a lesser substance rubbing alcohol with one of the snakes with the bristles on the end and scrub it out. in the water blocks it's pretty easy to get clean. but in the pump, you can use alcohol but it can dry out and crack rubber, you can use other cleaners depending on if you have rubber seal, metal parts, and all sort of materials, but you have to be careful using one type of cleaner for one type of metal, could rust another type of metal. the pump would be the heardest thing to clean.


this MCT-5 Non-Conductive Solution, and as far as the reviews from people goes, there is no build up residue in the tubing and it's very easily cleanable with PCB cleaner, no scrubbing required.


Procedure for cleaning components after exposure:


1.Allow to component(s) to dry.

2.Use electronics cleaner (or alcohol) to clean the components.

3. Allow component(s) to dry.

4.Re-Install and get Fragging!

so now, would you consider it still to be too much money? even if it's not a so called tried and true liquid?


twenty dollars a year for hopefully a breeze in cleaning my $400 water cooling system, i dunno. seems like a deal.



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I have tried probably 5 different water solutions in my other machine which has an Asetek kit. I have used FluidXP, Fluid XP+ Extreme, normal distilled water, PrimoChill ICE and Koolance. Personally I don't think anything can touch the Koolance packs. They IMHO perform the best and keep the system "OH SO" clean.



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