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My new system

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you've been talking about this (NF3) system for 2+ months at least so it is actually silly to leave a system in your sig that requires no support while talking/asking every question you can about a system that isn't in your sig yet you are either using or building.
i've been talking about my experiences, i don't ask questions about what i'm experimenting with, i just tell my results. referring to the nf3 mobo. before i got the board i asked some questions like everyone does that researches a piece of hardware. i can't put everything i ask about in my sig b/c i don't own everything i ask about.


i only place in my sig what i am running and new test equipment that i've only ran for three days, doesn't qualify as my system at that point. at that point i just post info of my own experiences, even if things were to go wrong, i try to figure them out, i don't reply on forums to figure out my systems issues by asking questions, i like the challenge of figuring it out myself. thats how i learn the things i know.


once i actually have the system up and running and have explored it and feel comfortable with it, instead of still trying to figure it out, then i place it in my sig. i'm the type to research and figure things out myself.


i don't like to place experimental (to me) hardware that i've just tried running for one hour in my sig. b/c if it has problems then it's not really part of my sig yet, like the hardware i have on RMA currently. i change parts in and out of my system weekly, and i'm not placing all the equipment i fool around with in my sig.


so if i have a problem, let's say tomorrow on my main system i'm running right now, then my sig wouldn't help me one bit. my sig is misleading right now.



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i run my ram as high of frequency as possible with the tightest timings for the sysmet ram to inter memory controller lats. in games it may only equate to a few frames per second more which is really nothing, but in desktop apps which are more memory dependant or compiling or transcoding the timings really make a difference. plus they the system that pop, that not fast but quick feeling.




i use to have some OCZ EB plats ..very nice ram ..but in fact it was a waste of money ..running high Mhz and tight timmings will look good in the benchmarks but thats about it ..they is no gain in games or apps really ..not tring to dis you ..just sharing some info :)



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i've been talking about my experiences, i don't ask questions about what i'm experimenting with, i just tell my results. referring to the nf3 mobo. before i got the board i asked some questions like everyone does that researches a piece of hardware. i can't put everything i ask about in my sig b/c i don't own everything i ask about.


i only place in my sig what i am running and new test equipment that i've only ran for three days, doesn't qualify as my system at that point. at that point i just post info of my own experiences, even if things were to go wrong, i try to figure them out, i don't reply on forums to figure out my systems issues by asking questions, i like the challenge of figuring it out myself. thats how i learn the things i know.


once i actually have the system up and running and have explored it and feel comfortable with it, instead of still trying to figure it out, then i place it in my sig. i'm the type to research and figure things out myself.


i don't like to place experimental (to me) hardware that i've just tried running for one hour in my sig. b/c if it has problems then it's not really part of my sig yet, like the hardware i have on RMA currently. i change parts in and out of my system weekly, and i'm not placing all the equipment i fool around with in my sig.


so if i have a problem, let's say tomorrow on my main system i'm running right now, then my sig wouldn't help me one bit. my sig is misleading right now.



He ant asking YOU. It ant up to YOU. Hes telling YOU.Its not your web site to Say what YOU wont to do.YOU have to fallow the RULES like everyone else. And YOU Have ask As many questions as anyone else here. Its not like its the first time someone has ask you to make your Sig current. Now is it.Damn

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i use to have some OCZ EB plats ..very nice ram ..but in fact it was a waste of money ..running high Mhz and tight timmings will look good in the benchmarks but thats about it ..they is no gain in games or apps really ..not tring to dis you ..just sharing some info :)



well, what i got from that article is pretty much what i was expecting. i know that in large streaming apps lats don't make much difference.


they showed that there is a difference in cpu cycles and latency between value 2.5-3-3-7-2T ram and quality 2-2-2-5-1T ram. these cpu cycles show a small but noticeable improvement over the value ram. now just imagine how many cpu cyles less it would take to trancode a DivX file to Mpeg1 with 1 less cycle per cpu cycle.


so take 1000 cycles as an example to transcod a DivX to Mpeg1. if we take off 4% of those cycles thats 960 cpu cycles. lets say each cpu cyle for trancoding takes 30seconds, that would be 12 minutes less time for transcoding the file. and thats only 4% difference in latency or cpu cycles.


when i talk about latencies i'm not referring to gaming at all. i'm referring to desktop memory dependant apps that take hours to complete. if you add up the 4% difference you see there is a positive affect for lower latency.


now i'm not talking about running a 500mhz 2-3-3-6-1T setting as taking down the lats but upping the bus is pretty much frutiless as the extra bandwidth is wasted b/c the internal FSB to core only requires 4000mb/s for a 939 cpu and 3200mb/s for a 754 cpu. upping the mem bus and lowering the lats is not going to improve any performance just b/c the mem bus is running higher. but using tight 2-2-2-5-1T timings and using the mem bus to decrease the memory contory to system memory does make a difference, but only in long number crunching apps, not gaming. the goal that i'm going for is starting at 200mhz mem bus and just upping the bus until the 2-2-2-5-1T settings become unstable and then backing it off until it's 100% stable. the reduced cpu cycles for long number crunching tasks or memory resident apps will see a difference. less cpu cycles = less time and you can't judge that on latency benchmarks. you have to actually try to compress a 1GB fils or transcode a DivX to Mpeg1 or something to the same effects.


not all people use their computers to post on the forums, surf the net, or playing video games.


i won't compromise my tight timings for a high frequency mem bus. so i use dividers. then i use the HT Bus combined with multipliers to overclock my cpu.



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He ant asking YOU. It ant up to YOU. Hes telling YOU.Its not your web site to Say what YOU wont to do.YOU have to fallow the RULES like everyone else. And YOU Have ask As many questions as anyone else here. Its not like its the first time someone has ask you to make your Sig current. Now is it.Damn

i'm sorry, but yes, this is the first time an Admin or Moderator has asked me to change my sig. the questions i've asked were in pursuit of narrowing down my options on what new equipment i might want to upgrade to, so in that light, of course i'm asking question along with doing loads of reasing on the components i might want to buy.


you don't have to be rude about this as i've not been rude or flamed anyone. and if you actually saw my sig change then you would see that when asked by an Admin or Moderator i changed my sig forthwith.


the rules say to place your current system specs and AG asked me to change my specs to something that i'm not currently running, but he asked me to change it and i did. so what is your problem coming in here flaming me without reading along with the thread.


BY THE WAY Wil, where's your sig? i can't believe you wrote that and you yourself have no sig, geez.



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Hey GM.

Hope you get that rig up and goin strong.

Got me some new ram but can't seem to stay stable past 4hrs of prime with sig.

1 stick will go 300x10 2t. tested both seperately.

Runnin 250x12 @ 2.5 3 3 7

I know I said I wanted to get 1 stick of 1 gig.

I got Patriots with same dual specs as your gskills.

Will check in occasionally to see how your doin.

Too many rules over here.

Good Luck

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Hey GM.

Hope you get that rig up and goin strong.

Got me some new ram but can't seem to stay stable past 4hrs of prime with sig.

1 stick will go 300x10 2t. tested both seperately.

Runnin 250x12 @ 2.5 3 3 7

I know I said I wanted to get 1 stick of 1 gig.

I got Patriots with same dual specs as your gskills.

Will check in occasionally to see how your doin.

Too many rules over here.

Good Luck


i'll be posting the overclocks here since i've got the majority of my info here anyways.


i read that the patriot ram doesn't do as well for overclocking as G.Skill or OCZ TCCD's.


yah, i got 2x512's running at 2-2-2-8(or 5)-1T at 228.5mhz so DDR460 which is fine with me as you don't need the extra bandwidth. i would say to try starting off at 200mhz with 2-2-2-8-1T and see how high you can push the bus. then use the dividers and the HT Bus and multipilers to get everything tweaked.


i used to get 3200mhz 305x10.5 with the 150 divider to get my ram at it's highest stable clock with 2-2-2-8-1T so all i was doing was trying to lower my system ram to internal memory controller on the cpu. anything over 215 or so mem bus, the extra memory bandwidth isn't used so it's not what you want to go for.


tight timings at the highest mem bus for low lats and use the HT Bus and cpu multi's for the cpu overclock and use those mem dividers.


good luck


i should be getting my system back, only using air tho, by next weekend or so.



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nice build, gl + hf.

Also... is the CM Stacker case really "roomy",also how much space does that Astek Pump,Etc Stuff use up..i have a Raidmax Scorpio case..and its pretty full, interested in the WaterChill products also.

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nice build, gl + hf.

Also... is the CM Stacker case really "roomy",also how much space does that Astek Pump,Etc Stuff use up..i have a Raidmax Scorpio case..and its pretty full, interested in the WaterChill products also.

i have all my pix linked from the first post, 14 of them. they should satisfy your questions. and yes the case is very roomie, i could prolly fit two water cooling systems in there.



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i'll be posting the overclocks here since i've got the majority of my info here anyways.


i read that the patriot ram doesn't do as well for overclocking as G.Skill or OCZ TCCD's.


yah, i got 2x512's running at 2-2-2-8(or 5)-1T at 228.5mhz so DDR460 which is fine with me as you don't need the extra bandwidth. i would say to try starting off at 200mhz with 2-2-2-8-1T and see how high you can push the bus. then use the dividers and the HT Bus and multipilers to get everything tweaked.


i used to get 3200mhz 305x10.5 with the 150 divider to get my ram at it's highest stable clock with 2-2-2-8-1T so all i was doing was trying to lower my system ram to internal memory controller on the cpu. anything over 215 or so mem bus, the extra memory bandwidth isn't used so it's not what you want to go for.


tight timings at the highest mem bus for low lats and use the HT Bus and cpu multi's for the cpu overclock and use those mem dividers.


good luck


i should be getting my system back, only using air tho, by next weekend or so.




Mine seem to be clockin good as per spec anyway.

Like I said I can run 300x10 but with only 1 stick.

My ocz bh's were runnin on a 9/10 divider 250x12 @ but I sold em for 120.00 and got these tccd for 170.00.

Testing them now at 250x12 @ with a 9/10 and so far so good.


If they pass then I guess I wasted 50.00 for the same overclock but my thought was that I would have them for a Biostar 6100 Tforce 939 microatx that I have my eye on and should do well in dual channel.

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Mine seem to be clockin good as per spec anyway.

Like I said I can run 300x10 but with only 1 stick.

My ocz bh's were runnin on a 9/10 divider 250x12 @ but I sold em for 120.00 and got these tccd for 170.00.

Testing them now at 250x12 @ with a 9/10 and so far so good.


If they pass then I guess I wasted 50.00 for the same overclock but my thought was that I would have them for a Biostar 6100 Tforce 939 microatx that I have my eye on and should do well in dual channel.

thats great that you got a decent pair of mem sticks, nice tight timings too. are you using your OCZ Booster?


you say you could one get one stick to do 300mhz or you've only tried one stick?


b/c i tried both my sticks and got 10x295HT Bus 1:1 295MEM Bus with 2.5-4-4-10-16-18-2T. just to see if it would do it with two mem sticks. didn't take any screen shots tho, just a screen shot of it going through Science Mark 2.0 and completing it. i was just curious if it would do it. i was pleasently surprized. wish the board hadn't died. i was just getting started. i hope my new board will allow me such flexibility.



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thats great that you got a decent pair of mem sticks, nice tight timings too. are you using your OCZ Booster?


you say you could one get one stick to do 300mhz or you've only tried one stick?


b/c i tried both my sticks and got 10x295HT Bus 1:1 295MEM Bus with 2.5-4-4-10-16-18-2T. just to see if it would do it with two mem sticks. didn't take any screen shots tho, just a screen shot of it going through Science Mark 2.0 and completing it. i was just curious if it would do it. i was pleasently surprized. wish the board hadn't died. i was just getting started. i hope my new board will allow me such flexibility.




I ran both sticks seperate for testing and got 300x10@ 2.5 4 4 8. 2t as per specs to make sure no problem with memory and they test good.

Board just does not like 2 sticks unless I go 250x12 @ 2.5 3 3 7 1t or use a divider.

No booster on the tccd's. Will try your timings.


I plan on using them on a biostar microatx tforce 939 in dual channel though cause I want to build a small lightweight rig out of an old modified e machine case so its all good.

Gonna go ahead and get that 1 gig stick for this DFI.

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