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oic, ya, the x16 bus isn't even being used to it's potential.


i read many threads that people say they get the same scores on beches using an x8 or x16 bus speed.




yea they is very little difference

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Pretty much stuck at 2850 @ 1.65 volts right now. Just refuses to go any further, but theres a lotta fluctuation in voltage too. Most likely due to the worst PSU on the planet (Aspire 520 watt....ugh) but I've got nuthin else to mess with it right now, should steal my Antec TP 2.0 550 back from my friend....


The previous owner topped out at about the same spot though, so I'm thinking thats all she's got.


nf3 250gb

3700+ mobile newark @ 238x12 1.65 volts

2x512 mushkin redline 2-2-2-5 3.2v

zalman 9500

aspire 520 watt blue led pos


You know, I've said before that I won't go back to using a single core computer. After messing with this for a few hours then going back to my main rig, the difference is AMAZING. Maybe its just psychological, but its there. That said, I love playin with new toys, and I got an amazing deal. :)

ya, i like the speed the Newark gives me. at first i wanted a NF3-ULTRA 939 AGP so i could keep my X800 and run a dual core. but the best clocks i've seen for dual cores are around 2.8ghz and average around 2.6ghz; so when i saw the Newark and particulary the mobile 4000 getting 2.9ghz+ and not being able to find a 939 AGP, the answere was simple. Buy the very much praised NF3 LP-UT 250GB and the mobile 4000. and just recently, i got a bit of luck and was able to upgrade my X800 to the fatest and most future proof AGP card you can buy right now, the 7800GS for free!


you've got some really decent specs on your nf3 system...


mine are:


nf3 250gb

4000+ mobile newark @ 305x10.5 3200mhz 1.65 volts

2x512 G.Skill 1GBLA TCCD DDR460 2-2-2-8 2.9v

Asetek Waterchill

Enermax 550watt


on air using a Smart Fan II and the 948U i can get 2950mhz @ 1.65v if i use a Tornado i could prolly get a bit more, but who cares i've got water, hehe


i really do think that the HT/MEM Bus settings are holding my overclocks back. i wish i would of been able to get your Redlines, but the G.Skills are doing pretty good. but i go from 100% S&M stable at 3150mhz to failing S&M within 2 or 3 seconds at 3200mhz. so i know i can get more out of it, i can feel it. all i've fooled around with is the std. 2-2-2-5 settings with the rest left on AUTO. i didn't get a chance to fool around with anything else b/c of the mobo deing on me so fast.


but, once i get things all worked out i think i'll be getting around 7000~7500 points in 3D05 as i was already getting 6558 with my half crippled gpu speed of the 7800GS, which is on RMA replacement, but i got this score with my nf2/barton system http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=1896069 ...it's nothing mind blowing but i think it's pretty decent for the nf2/barton system with the video card's issues they've been having not running their rated speeds.



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oh yah technodanvan, i see you have a new sig ... i really like it. i can actually read your specs too, hehe.


i gotta do something nice for my sig rig but i've been on this rolling RMA circle for the last three weeks *sighs* that i haven't been to enthused over my computers. but things seem to be turning around for me now :)



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just use a divider when Ocing ..there is really no benefit in Ocing your ram :)
i do use a divider, i use the 150 divider and i get 228mhz which is perfect for my ram's latency abilities.


i know my 754's internal FSB is 800mhz which requires 3200mb/s which is about a 215mhz bus in reality not DDR400. i run my ram as high of frequency as possible with the tightest timings for the sysmet ram to inter memory controller lats. in games it may only equate to a few frames per second more which is really nothing, but in desktop apps which are more memory dependant or compiling or transcoding the timings really make a difference. plus they the system that pop, that not fast but quick feeling.



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Intel and AMD for me ...not AMD or Intel. i've been running both platforms for years now. same goes for graphics cards.


but ya AG, i've seen the .65µ nexgen Intel cpus running 6.5ghz on air and stock hsf! w0w.


i'll buy what ever is the fastest at the time. deciding between AMD's or Intel's nexgen platforms. i just need time to watch the early adopters so i can spend my money well since i haven't go alot to spend.



my golden rule is to NEVER buy first-gen anything


i will never buy first model year of cars


nor gpu, cpu, chipset, etc



those who do are early adopters and those are the guys (and gals) that end up in forums like these screaming about things not working correctly and bugs bugs bugs and "holy @#%#@ DFI needs to RECALL this crap before I sue them and report them to the BBB!" lol



I'm not even interested in the Intel cpu overclocking...I am only interested in the cpu and it's performance compared to AMD's at the same speed (because we will always overclock but if a cpu can't perform at same speed, then it is useless...look at Intel 3.4Ghz cpu's not even being able to outperform 2400Mhz AMD64 cpu's)


Overclocking is just icing on the cake.



but I digress...my point was...if you have money to burn, first-gen stuff is for you (and a giant headache for me, the guy who has to support it lol).


If you are like me, and do NOT have money to burn, you watch the train wreck of first-gen and wait patiently (or impatiently) for second-gen stuff to come out and correctl 80%+ of the initial first-gen problems ;)

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ps: TGM


please do us all a favor


and update your sig with your current components


while I realize you still have an NF2 as a rig, the bulk of your posts are now with the NF3 and I think we'd all appreciate seeing THAT rig in your sig instead of the NF2.

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my golden rule is to NEVER buy first-gen anything


i will never buy first model year of cars


nor gpu, cpu, chipset, etc



those who do are early adopters and those are the guys (and gals) that end up in forums like these screaming about things not working correctly and bugs bugs bugs and "holy @#%#@ DFI needs to RECALL this crap before I sue them and report them to the BBB!" lol



I'm not even interested in the Intel cpu overclocking...I am only interested in the cpu and it's performance compared to AMD's at the same speed (because we will always overclock but if a cpu can't perform at same speed, then it is useless...look at Intel 3.4Ghz cpu's not even being able to outperform 2400Mhz AMD64 cpu's)


Overclocking is just icing on the cake.



but I digress...my point was...if you have money to burn, first-gen stuff is for you (and a giant headache for me, the guy who has to support it lol).


If you are like me, and do NOT have money to burn, you watch the train wreck of first-gen and wait patiently (or impatiently) for second-gen stuff to come out and correctl 80%+ of the initial first-gen problems ;)

i totally agree, why do you think i'm "so far behind" in others terms, the rest of everyone else. my NF3/AGP will be the best of parts from said platform.


i have an EPOX NF4 SLI i won at a give away in aonther forum, but i don't have the money to buy the parts to make that one run nicely. so i'll be slowly adding to that platform over this summer.


these systems will let me watch all the early adopters find out which hardware is naughty or nice, then later when the time is right, i'll do a system wide upgrade with lowered pricing at hardware found to be the best.


toally agree with you



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ps: TGM


please do us all a favor


and update your sig with your current components


while I realize you still have an NF2 as a rig, the bulk of your posts are now with the NF3 and I think we'd all appreciate seeing THAT rig in your sig instead of the NF2.

whiat i have in my sig IS my current equipment. all my new stuff is out the door.


if you want me to place my future system specs in my sig, i guess i could, but i won't even have that rig running till at least 10 days from now.


but i guess i'll change it, seems silly to place info thats not accurate at this time, but i'll change it.



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if you want me to place my future system specs in my sig, i guess i could, but i won't even have that rig running till at least 10 days from now.


but i guess i'll change it, seems silly to place info thats not accurate at this time, but i'll change it.




you've been talking about this (NF3) system for 2+ months at least so it is actually silly to leave a system in your sig that requires no support while talking/asking every question you can about a system that isn't in your sig yet you are either using or building.

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