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ATI Catalyst 6.2 out today

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Guest Dynamic

Good Finally, i was waiting for this driver to see how much performance gains does the R580 get. The 9th of this month, not bad this time....

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Guest Dynamic

Well, you will kill your system resources unless you tweak it, if you haven't noticed your load time at boot with the first CCC from Catalyst installed. If you have no idea what i'm talking about, read this because it helped me regain my performance back, really!





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I just got mine installed on the new system (just put it in the OC DB today) , the only drivers that would install with the X1900 were the old 5.13 version from the disk :mad:

Running 3dmark now to see if there is an improvement.

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Guest Dynamic

Dude in your sig it says that you're running a GT, hehehe? You just want to be heard don't you....j/k. Hey which ATI card do you own? X1900xtx?

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Guest Dynamic

Yeah, i noticed how long my computer would try to load when it boots into Windows until i heard about the CLI.exe's and other settings adjusted into your system when you install .NET FRAMEWORKS 1.1 and CCC version of Catalyst which is primary now....

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