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Boot problems when DVD&CDRom's hooked up!

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Ok, I have wrote before about windows rebooting during splash screen, the load bar would freeze and then reboot. It will do this 1-5 times then it will boot ok out of the blue. Once it is up and running everything is great, stable and normal.


Ive narrowed it down to this: When I hook up my DVDRW & CDROM thats when I have the problem. If I just run my HDD's its all good but once I hook up 1 or both of the ROM's it will freeze at the windows splash screen then reboot.


This is what I have tryed so far:

Changed ATA cable still reboots

Ran only one or the other still re

Messed with all combo's of jumpers still reboots

Switched from secondary ATA to master ATA still reboots

Pulled ot all my hair!!!! Did not help!!!!

Next step.........OUT THE WINDOW!!!!!!!!!


Could I have a bad board or ATA controller?


Please , if you have any suggestions or ideas let me know. I have been dealing with this for 3+ months and would really like to fix it. Please, I'll try anything at this point, Please help!

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Start up after lanparty splash goes fine into windows but once there it freezes and then reboots. I beleve that all DVDF and CD are shopwing, yes they are there in bios fine.


No its not the boot device.


No firewall, no manager but Im not sure about the SW IDE how would I check?/ then just uninstall?


Windows was a clean install and many times due to this problem I thought it was the windows OS that was the problem. But now I know its not. It would even do this during inatall of windows.

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OK under IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers I have: 2 Nvidia ADMA controllers and 1 Nvidia Parallel ATA controller


Are these the ones that you are saying to uninstall? Or just the ATA one?


These are in device manager by the way just so you know, I dont want to screw this thing up any more than it is. HAHA

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well I had to do it twice cuz the first time it installed the nivida controllers again. i had to take them off agian and manualy select the standard controllers.


3 test boots.....................................It looks good man I hope that is it woooha what a pain that was and I delt with it for 3 months. I owe you a six pack man. Thanks alot you saved my system from going out the window. now I can stop growing grey hair over this.



Thanks again, Brent

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