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Need Help on SLI function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i just set up my new pc, and everything is runing great, all for my gfx card (N7800GT Dual 512mb) i cant get my system to read the second GPU, therefore the pc is only detecting one 7800GT. Ive dont quite alot already, like switching the 3d card to the second pci-e slot (actually windows is booting up twice as fast with the 3d card in the second slot :P ) uninstalled drivers, reinstalled newer ones, and still is detecting only one GPU. Normally i think i should get a message on windows asking if i want to enalble SLI (just after installation of new driver and reboot) but i get nothing. It might be something i have to do in the Bios, but ive looked for 30 minutes now and havent found anything. Anyone who ownes the MB i have can anyone help me spot out what i am missing? and does anybody else own the 3d card i do?




:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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i kno i thought that was the problem at first, however the hardware store where i bought it insisted it would work 100% on my motherboard, and what do you mean by i cant have SLI withought modding my pc :confused: ??


anyways if anyone else can help please so, im gona try a few more tests



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sorry guys i mistyped the name of my motherboard sorry, it IS the 'DFI LanParty UT nF4 SLI-D ' was wondering why all of you were saying my MB didnt take SLI, probably took me for an butt. now tell me that doesnt support SLI?

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