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Anyone have experience with extreme cooled video cards?

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In the next two weeks I should have my water chiller set up (yipee!). Down the line I will likely throw a block on my 7800GT. This is all very cart before the horse, but has anyone tried this? I suppose I'm just curious as to what kind of clocks I could get; haven't done much research on this aspect yet. The liquid will be running around -25C (possibly even -30C) if that matters. Thanks.

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Lowest I ever went was 10C with a pelt on a 6600GT. Other than normal condensation prevention, nothing more required. Only thing I did notice was an off color Splash screen on the first boot of the day. Kicked an extra 90 from the core though.

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yes you can get vga core water blocks that help cool well, heres the best imo.

as for a 146 @ 3.6, some guys got an fx-57 to 4.0ghz a while back. dunno if it was stable tho but google it. phase is no joke, but the hassle of setting it up and maintaining it outweighs the few hundred mhz more that id get using that instead of my current setup.

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i would very much love it. i would just not love cleansing my board and/or video card of die electric grease so i can get an extra 3 fps should i ever have to rma them *knock on wood*. addiction does suck, i work in a computer store so its worse when you have everything in front of you and at cost (NO NOT FRYS or COMPUSA!). i actually just ordered my 2nd va1912wb and im gonna order my 2nd 7800gt here soon as well. i need help :(

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