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request for auto fan conrtol disable feature in lanparty nf4 series bi

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hey guys i got a little prob here and im shure im not alone my bios keeps turning the speed of my fan down and there is nothing i can do about it can one of you bios dudes put a disable option for the automatic fan control in the bios cause im shure there are plenty of people out there with -25c temps that would love to have their fans running at a full 12v :)



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True, but the chipset fan is a little annoying since my chipset hangs around the 25c mark and I can constantly hear it zipping up and down in speed.



i know what u mean

try speedfan and then in the "INFO" use the "get config" button and after that u will be able to control your fans

at least i do


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Actually Tmod is working on something along these lines for me.

I PM'd him the following yesterday


Looking for you to do some more mods to BigToe's Bios 704-2bta2

AND the same to the Expert version of the Bios x704.


I think you have made some of the changes already

I would like this:

ADVANCED BIOS - Full Screen Logo - Disabled


ADVANCED CHIPSET - CPU Thermal Throttling - Disabled


INTEGRATED PERIPHIALS - Under RAID Configuration Enable all 4 SATA RAID ports (Not IDE Ports) ie:

Internal Phy SATA 3 RAID - Enabled

Internal Phy SATA 4 RAID - Enabled

Internal Phy SATA 1 RAID - Enabled

Internal Phy SATA 2 RAID - Enabled


USB Keyboard - Enabled

USB Mouse - Enabled



Init Display First - PCIEx



CPU Fan Fully ON - >25 degrees

Fan 2 Fully ON - >25 degrees

NB Fan Fully ON - >25 degrees

(Note: All fan settings to 25 degrees - Both ON & OFF)




Refresh Period (TRef) - 3120


LDT Voltage - 1.3 volts

Vdimm - 2.8 volts

VIA 1394 - Disabled


I realize it may be some work but there have been so many posts about losing the RAID, USB, and FAN settings after flashing it could really help. I have 4 Standard LanParty rigs and 2 Experts to test ON. Needless to say I would really appreciate it very, very much.


Let me know if you think you can pull it off.


He's already sent me a bios to test, but unfortunately the Fan Speeds under System Health are not co-operating with modbin for him. And obviously until he understands how to change the fan speeds to 25 degrees across the board I don't think he feels comfortable in disabling the function altogether.


I wsill point him at this link and maybe that IS an easier way to do it as I want all my fans on all the time. I am sure he will keep us posteed. Hard worker, that Tmod. :D

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Personally I would rather have the function disabled all together.


Now if the great and wonderous bios God could figure out to have them DEFAULT to 15 degrees I think he would make everyone EXTREMELY happy. I'm sure many would still like the adjustability function.


I remain your Masta Beta Testa

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Hope "Sparky", Gipse, robo989 and SPHERE and others are still watching this thread.


Looks like the master bios modder has pulled off another one for us :D


What I asked for


"Originally Posted by soundx98

Looking for you to do some more mods to BigToe's Bios 704-2bta2

AND the same to the Expert version of the Bios x704.


I think you have made some of the changes already

I would like this:

ADVANCED BIOS - Full Screen Logo - Disabled

DONE - You'll be able to see the system Health Screen as it posts


ADVANCED CHIPSET - CPU Thermal Throttling - Disabled

DONE - I think most of us Disable this anyway


INTEGRATED PERIPHIALS - Under RAID Configuration Enable all 4 SATA RAID ports (Not IDE Ports) ie:

Internal Phy SATA 3 RAID - Enabled

Internal Phy SATA 4 RAID - Enabled

Internal Phy SATA 1 RAID - Enabled

Internal Phy SATA 2 RAID - Enabled

DONE - So those with RAID won't lose the RAID array/OS when it boots


USB Keyboard - Enabled

USB Mouse - Enabled

DONE - Should help us USB users



Init Display First - PCIEx

DONE - VGA Boots after flash to PCIEx instead of PCI



CPU Fan Fully ON - >25 degrees

Fan 2 Fully ON - >25 degrees

NB Fan Fully ON - >25 degrees

(Note: All fan settings to 25 degrees - Both ON & OFF)

Almost DONE - All Fan settings to 15 degrees ON & OFF at Defaults - All on FULL -See notes below




Refresh Period (TRef) - 3120

DONE - Default anyway but it can be changed


LDT Voltage - 1.3 volts DONE - Slight Bump in Voltage

Vdimm - 2.8 volts DONE- Slight Bump in Voltage

VIA 1394 - Disabled DONE- Why not - ENABLE if you wish manually


I realize it may be some work but there have been so many posts about losing the RAID, USB, and FAN settings after flashing it could really help. I have 4 Standard LanParty rigs and 2 Experts to test ON. Needless to say I would really appreciate it very, very much.


Let me know if you think you can pull it off. Course he did"


FAN SPEED NOTES: Because of the way this section of the Bios is written, Temps go from default 15 to 26 through 75 degrees.

Tmod is going to try to CHANGE the range from 25 to 75 to 15 to 65. This will take a little trial and error to work correctly but hopefully will have answers tomorrow night. Tmod does NOT have an NF4 so that's why we need testing



does this make sense to anyone else?

Please feel free to post your thoughts and opinions.


I'm even more concerned about the Expert board as I'm pretty well convinced that the temps reported are low. want to make sure these CPU fans are going on and not stressing the CPU. It sure seems to me that those that have left there Chipset fans on all the time, seem to have no noise or problems, and those that let it speed up and down are having noise and sometimes failure issues. If Tmod can get this down he should be able to tackle the Expert easily.

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Do you think enabling all the raid channels by default will mess up people that have 2 drives in raid and a single backup drive (all sata) ?


Im not saying it will mess up I just dont usually enable them all when using only two drives in raid..


Other then that the rest looks good.. I mean the other stuff is just to make it easy for some that arent as familiar with the bios.. I guess Ive been in it soooo much I can change things with my eyes closed..lol

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