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NF4 Expert will not cold boot- psu issue?

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Another guy here with this problem. My first SLI-DR Expert died and took my beloved 0530TPMW with it, and the 2nd one does not turn on if I use the front power switch to turn it off. Only a full power disconnection takes care of the problem. At this point I'm becoming very disappointed with Expert... never had a single problem with my Ultra-D, ever.
QettoE- I had the same problem with my second expert. It started while setting up the OC..... It appears something gets corrupt in the bios, just reflashed to the same bios (12-07) and all is well....

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Quick and dirty test of my OCZ powersteam psu passed- shorted green and black wires, turns on every time.


I'm thinking this may be a bios setting problem or a bios version in need of revision. Hopefully this will not turn out to be an rma issue.


Looking at your specs in your sig, scottR, it kind of seems like your PSU isn't capable of powering your power-hungry system (just to me, maybe).


Maybe you may need a higher-rated PSU?

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Looking at your specs in your sig, scottR, it kind of seems like your PSU isn't capable of powering your power-hungry system (just to me, maybe).


Maybe you may need a higher-rated PSU?



I'm not sure why you would think that. This site is where I made my choice: Expert PSUs



Besides, I can make my system boot and run windows just fine with a cheap ($39) Raidmax 420w psu.



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I seem to have found a reprieve from the cold boot issue- not sure whether it was my OCZ powerstream, the board or the bios. The powerstream went to the shipper today for rma and I hooked up a raidmax 400w (24 pin atx, no 8 pin just P4) as a temporary. After swapping the psu I could get the board to cold boot following shut down from windows but not after powering off by hitting the case switch.


Found the new bios post this a.m. and flashed to 12/07- now the board cold boots perfectly. ???


Not sure if the bios flash fixed the problem, if the board finally got "broken in" or if the problem will manifest again after I put the upcoming replacement ocz powestream back in. Time will tell...

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I have the same issue with my board. It otherwise works great. I was told once that by manually killing power to the board my PSU voltages wherent dipping low enough for the mobo to safely restart. In any case, its still an issue but I dont have to hard kill my system very often.

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It's not the PSU. I tried two Modstreams and it didn't work. Also I flashed my BIOS to all beta and official releases and none helped. I think we've got a bad board. I'm RMA'ing my 2nd one next week, and if I notice another problem then I'll switch back to Ultra-D. Never had a board as stable as Ultra-D in my life. I will miss Expert's layout big time, though.

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This is interesting because it took three tries to load windows without error- the first time I got a blue screen during file copy (similar to normal windows ram error blue screens) after a file failed to copy. The second time I skipped the failed copy file and it screwed windows administrative functions. Third time was smooth- no error no problems at all except cold boot bugs.


The diagnostic leds also act strangely on cold boot- the sequence goes down to three lit leds then flashes back to 4 right before self power off. I'm guessing that ram voltagemay be too low at cold boot and is causing the board to not detect ram and power off.


Hopefully this is not killing my ram or cpu- I'll be p.o.'ed if it does. All my spare cash is tied up in this new machine!


Thanks for the input Undesirable, I may have to bite the bullet and try a different ps to see if the problem abates.


I had the exact same problems as you and we both have the same PSU and Ram, i increased the ram voltage from 2.66 to 2.80 and now it's sweet no more cold boot problems, give that a try and see if it helps you to

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I had the exact same problems as you and we both have the same PSU and Ram, i increased the ram voltage from 2.66 to 2.80 and now it's sweet no more cold boot problems, give that a try and see if it helps you to


I have the exact problem as well. I tried my OCZ on my other rig and it worked just fine. Tried upping the vdimm to 2.84V but still a no go. I also flashed to the latest BIOS but it still didn't fix the problem. I just hope that someone can find a fix for this issue.

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I just solved my problem... bought a new board from Newegg and replaced the problematic one with it. What makes me happy after RMA'ing two boards is that the last one shows the correct CPU temp... it's shows exactly what my proble shows.

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Latest Update:


Got my new OCZ psu from rma- they sent me a 600w (upgrade)! Thanks go out to the OCZ crew.


Anyhow- my cold boot problems are back with a vengeance. With the cheapo raidmax psu the board would act normally and cold booting was never an issue. Now I have to turn off the psu rocker switch and let the board standby light go out before it will successfully power up again (the old momentary fan spin and diag leds to 3 then self power off).


I'm suspecting that having the second half of the 8 pin board power connector hooked up is somehow related to this problem (the cheapo raidmax only had the P4 connector and it worked great).


Now what?? Rma the board? This shipping and waiting game is getting old.



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