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NF4 Expert will not cold boot- psu issue?

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Right so what is happening about this issue? Are DFI going to provide a fix given that there is a clear issue with this (£150) motherboard? Its all well and good RMAing it, but its hassle for the owner and not what one would expect from DFI. Also, a lot of places that are going to recieve tehse board back are just going to send it back as non faulty as it will boot up some of the time. This is exactly what has happend to my friend.



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i guess that would depend if its a hardware or software glitch doesnt it.


if it can be fixed with a bios im sure it will be once DFI can identify the issue and if its hardware which it would indicate it is as it doesnt happen on all boards then it may have to be RMA'd.


im in the same boat as u are matey.

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Alex** I have two early rev boards like most of you guys have and I cannot get them to exhibit cold boot at all. That is why I have been recommending to rma since I know good and well they don't all do it. Don't think AG's show any cold boot issues either. Nor do most. Just the ones with the problem actually have the problem it seems. So bios setting? Don't know if it is any setting you can adjust that will make any difference.


I am testing a newer "expert" now to see if it is different. So far so good and runs no better or no worse than my others.



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rgone does this help narrow down the fault if indeed it isd hardware.


i just tried shutdown wait 1 min turn on and suree enough turns on then off so i wait hit power on then immediately reset button and boots up fine.


im gonna try unplugging my power on and reset buttons and see if the onboard ones work without issue or not

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Thought you all might like to know I discovered the problem had returned. I know however I fiddled with the ram timings since the last successful warm power-down and boot up. I reverted back to stock bios settings (2-3-2-5@2T (200mhz)) and the problem went away. I guessing this means I need to up voltages, but thats weird since I was running my PC3200 at 188mhz; other than the boot issue the 240x11 ran great.

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Are you using the windows lower left Icon START> Turn Off Computer> Turn Off computer to turn of the computer? If not you should try it, because the only time I have the symptom of it turning on once and running 2 secs and then off and I push power button and back on > is when I turn off with a manual power button and then only once in 5 times or so. When I shutdown from windows like I suppose that I have done for years as said above> I have no problems even with the newer board I am testing.




rgone does this help narrow down the fault if indeed it isd hardware.


i just tried shutdown wait 1 min turn on and suree enough turns on then off so i wait hit power on then immediately reset button and boots up fine.


im gonna try unplugging my power on and reset buttons and see if the onboard ones work without issue or not

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I bought my Expert two weeks ago and it shows these symptoms too.

If a clean shut down "Start Menu / Shut Down / Shut Down" is performed then all is fine. When the system crashes/hangs or if i hold power button in to power off then the system will not boot. Not even for a few seconds like others. I flick of the rocker on the PSU and a 3 second wait is needed.

Fair play its is a pain but isnt it best to clear all of the remaining current in the board after a crash/hang or other system failure.



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sorry maybe i wasnt clear no matter how i shut the pc down it wont reboot till the rocker switch is turn off current is clear and turned back on.


if i use the proper shutdown procedure


if i do i hared shutdown


does not matter same issue

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Alex**> I guess I must be lame as h*ll. Why are we shutting down the computer with the button instead of lower left Icon START> Turn Off Computer> Turn Off computer to turn of the computer?


Nogin what you are seeing is what I might expect to see after a crash. I am beginning to wonder about all this turning off a computer without the proper procedure from windows is not really the cause of some of the issues written about here.


From this edu link and help desk...



What is the proper way to turn off or shut down my Windows XP PC?

It is very important to properly shut down your PC instead of just turning it off with the power button. To properly shut down Windows XP, follow these steps:

1. Choose Start, then select Shut Down.

2. From the pull-down menu, select "Shut Down".

3. Click OK.

4. The PC will either power off by itself, or you will see the message "It is now safe to turn off your computer".


Shutdown the computer as shown there and I bet a lot of these problems will disappear. I have followed the 4 steps above for years and in so doing and by doing it that way I am probably unlikely to see the same errors others do.



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