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Weird prob with keyboard plugged in

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this is about the 1st PC in my sig btw,


in the past its all fine - havent changed anything in the bios or any hardware changes and now the mobo wont boot with my keyboard (PS2) plugged in? it works in the other PC just fine.


I get a long beep and nothing else. I've looked at the list of codes that i found in a search, but it mentions other beeps like 1 long and 3 short ones etc. just 1 long beep isnt in there. take away the keyb and alls fine again.


i'm using synergy to control the PC from another at the mo (thank god) but i want to have this one be the server so i need the keyb to be plugged in


the bios is already at the optimized defaults from just after i flashed it, no other changes made at all.


anyone have any ideas?

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twigboy - the usual quick beep as it powers on, the normal one only.


only with the keyb plugged in does it do the other beep.


kukulcan - if it is the port thats dead, would that be enough for an RMA you think?


would the USB adapter even work? dont you have to enable that in the bios (which i cant at the mo)

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I suspect that unless you have disabled the option in the bios it should work. (USB adapter) You might find that you have a PS/2 to USB adapter that came with a mouse.


I would try another keyboard first though.


If it is dead you can probably RMA it.

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  • 3 months later...

i had a motherboard once that absolutely would not work with a ps2 keyboard that i had but worked fine with every other keyboard....and the keyboard was fine, it worked on other systems. anyway i ran into it before and i think its a bios version issue or somthing in the typmatic rate settings that kept it from liking that particular keyboard. i dern sure wouldnt update the bios over that tho :)

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