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The Flaws Of Macs


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I really don't mind macs at all, I think they have a pretty good thing going. But when I saw this posted at another forum I couldn't stop laughing. It does have a little vulgar language (mainly the "f-word" a couple times), so I wouldn't play it with the speakers very loud at an environment like work. But if you want a laugh, you have to check this out. http://www.waveworks.net/mac.html :)

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you do know Macintosh is an acronym(sp)


Most Aplications Crash, If Not The Operating System Hangs


need I say more?


okay, they have a handle on them, and no not for lan parties. it's a dual purpose handle: carry in tech support, or throwing them out the window


IMac? no you must have heard me wrong, UCan, IWon't

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they're so much fun to service too!!!


customer buys Imac, customer wants data transfered from 1994 vitage mac. god forbid there be a floppy drive on the new one, the old on has a port that LOOKS like an rj45 plug, but is no ethernet, doesn't have pci slots, the external scsi connector looks like someone hit it with a hammer, no chance of USB support, so we have to move the entire HDD over... yeah, right to an IMAC? somehow data transfer also requires a godcrap power mac to do this. Pull out the OLD 1.2gb scsi drive, hook it up in a power mac with a scsi card, BURN a DVD-R disk. lord willing the Imac MIGHT read a Sony DVD-R NO it has to have an f'n APPLE one. Once the data is actually on the Imac (6 hours later), the data is all corrupted cuz the idiot that actually owns an MAC forgot to mention his old system was totally HOSED and had major file corruption, but couldn't load good ole system works to try to fix this problem, since his CDROM is f'n up too! And somehow this all comes back as the technicans fault that his data is not transferable, cuz the assclown at the mac store said it was okay, and that he should pay the $100 for a data transfer at compusa... I swear too many mac owners spent thier money on a cute computer, when they should have spent in on an f'n BRAIN.



where's my ipod, I better hid it before it gets hurt just for being a mac product.

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