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Angry's vacation time = Eve Online (mmog)


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ya i fumbled through that part of the training too. i assumed it was because soemone else had just done the mission and that the ship hadent respawned yet. all in all the tutorial is very good and worht the time spent on it.


Ok im starting to get into this game now, and have decided i will probably pay for a 1/4 to give it a really fair shot. The tutorial is good untill it bugs out on you, then you need to just shut it down, and go play the game. This game is Planetside/Farside in remake imo. Navigating around is so much easier, and theres no real plotting a course. Its all done for you, you just need to remember were you need to go. Lets you concentrate more on actual gameplay. I think the money comes along quite easily. Getting a ship blown out from under you hurts, but with proper planning, its no biggee. Im digging this one :)


My name is Wetchaser1, and none of you guys had better blow up my little frigate:p

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computer crapped out on me for a couple days. couldnt get to a store to buy new parts. so i fell behind in my skill training. got a couple left to make it to learning lvl 4. so it will take another 4 days till then. what hsould i work on after that AG?

i also got my frigate/mining/shipcommand skills at lvl 4 so i can handle a nice assortment of small ships.

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Gonna be trying this game out tonight... :)

good good


DFI-Street is a chat room we use, as well as KDM Pub (which usually has more people though you won't know any of them lol)


here's some of us from the Street:



Momma Musheen





and I can't remember Grunt_Style's username but he'll post it I'm sure

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Capt Choad



tis my name ingame. you find me on the dfi street lounge all the time. but since im usually driving while im logged in, i hardly respond in a timly fassion to any chats. so dont take it personaly if i "Ignore" you.

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Well, my Expert is running soooo well, I just had to see what Eve was like in really high resolutions ... so I'm back. Signed up for a month to see if I can take being "podded" again and to see the universe in 3D.


Have to admit, I'm amazed. CCP have changed the user interface(s) for the better, IMHO.


I'm a Minmatar frigate pilot at the moment. Was playing the tutorial until the connection to London went down.


You can find me in game as "Drakar DoUrden".


Hope this helps ...


P.S. Could not find either of the listed channels active tonight. I guess no one was interested.

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P.S. Could not find either of the listed channels active tonight. I guess no one was interested.


momma was logged in for a while, but i've got a 4-day skill training (Missile Launcher Operation lvl5!) that won't be done until tomorrow night some time so I'm trying to get some real actual work done instead of playing for a day or three ;)

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its done travis.

tomarrow my lvl 4 learning skills will be compleaste. the rest will take like 8 days each so im going to train whatever you think i should concintrate on next.

science/frigate/industrial/small turret all rank 3

rank 4's are:

spaceship command/learning/ironwill/instant recall/anylitical mind/mining/gunnery

ive got about a dozen assorted lvl 1-3 skills but those really onlly take a small aount of time so its no big deal. what should i concintrate on next?

think im ready to start exploring? or should i still wait a little longer. ive done all the starter missions you told me to and got a nice implant. ive got a few contacts so i can do some of thier missions. and about 5 million saved up(and i make about 1 million a day). so i can get another ship if you think i should.

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i mainly do security agent missions in Rens (Brutor Tribe Treasury, Moon 8 station I think) for lvl1 and lvl2 agents to get the hang of combat ;)


I would make sure your combat skills are lvl3 (gunnery, small projectile, missile launcher etc)


I can list my skillset if you want to see what I've been working on

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id sure like to see em. Im finishing level 5 learning in next day or so in hopes of dropping the learning times down. Got podded by a drone pirate, and decided thats not gonna happen again. Figured id get all my learning up there, then move on to mechanic/engineering upper levels to get a better handle on energy controls/charictaristics. Both times that ive been podded, i was set to warp, but missed it by a grain of salt due to a drained capacitor.

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if your ship was blown up by NPC pirates, then you weren't 'podded'


podded is when your pod gets blown up and you have to respawn at a clone vat (and if you didn't buy a good enough clone, you lose major skillpoints)


I'm gonna log in now on the other comp and make the list of my skills

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