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OK, I just got my new PowerColor 9700 non-PRO. Everytime I try to overclock it, (275-CORE to 285-CORE) my computer goes into a safty mode where everything is as low as it can go. After it does that it gives me this message...

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I fixed my OCing problem by downloading the new Omega Driver. Man, this card can OC. Right now I have the Core at 360, and the memory at 270, (I havent started to OC the memory yet, because I want to get a good stable Oc with the core first). I checked my memory chips to find out what kind they were, and come to find out I have Samsung 2.8ns, or something. I think that they can OC to 350. :unsure: Well ill post update when I finish OCing the card. Right now im getting 5200 on 3DMark2003. At default I got 4400.

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