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Athlon Xp Unlocked At The Factory?!?!?!


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I was messing around in the BIOS today with my Athlon XP 1700+ T-Bred B, fully aware that I had to unlock the multipier to have it work in windows. So I decided, hey, what the heck, I'll try changing it anyway. So I upped the multiplier to 12.5/13.0 and rebooted. I was most astonished when I brought up MSI FuzzyLogic4 and it displayed my processor running 2088.0 Mhz, 12.5x166. What the heck is wrong here? Is this the thing thats so special about this CPU? Or do I have the 1 in a million defect? Whats the deal? I guess I'll need to be updating my sig...

Edited by Iggy

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ive never heard of that before maybe the L1 connectors have a connetion straight from the factory and they didn't know it. ive heard that 1700 were good but not that good :huh: or the bios could be reading it wrong. you could check the motherbord driver online to see if you can update you motherboard

Edited by jchen22

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thnx i fink thers a post here sum where talking bout teh numbers anyways thnx again

btw which oc's better the T-Bred A or B??


and what are some good 3rd party oc proggies for amd

cuz, i dunnno how to do it in bios :withstupid:

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I know this is a T-Bred B JIUHB because it was listed as that on the site where I bought it. Also, the packing wasnt to great from them (it was shipped in a peice of the bulk processor crates from AMD, held together with rubber bands), and as soon as I took the rubber bands off, the CPU kind of exploded out of my hands and a few pins got bent. I was able to straighten them, and now it fits fine in the socket. I've never unlocked a processor before, but a did spill a little artic silver ceramic goo on parts of the processor other than the core. Could this have any effect? I've attached an image of Wcupid display my CPU info. I'm using a Volcano 7+ for cooling, and right now its running at 6000 RPM. My temps are in the range of about 40-47 C I would guess, but I haven't tested a loop in 3DMark2001 SE yet. I'll get back to you with the temps.


Ok, new stuff. I upped the vcore to 1.55, and its running stable in all the apps I throw at it. Before it was crashing in prime95. The temps in the ranges I predicted at 4800 RPM. Now I'm off to figure out how to mount Tt's fan controller externally. I guess I just got lucky :).

Edited by Iggy

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arnt all the t-bred B's already unlocked? Didnt AMD just give up on trying to stop the multiplier lock?


Maybe it is your mobo :D


I got my T-bred B 1700+ (dont remember the rest) at 195 X 11 @ 1.8V, which comes out to be a 2800+ :D with my Asus A7N8X Delux.


1700+ B is known as the best overclockable processor ever made (I think Maximum PC said that in an overclocking article)

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I'm thinking more and more now that my CPU could be a factory defect, but its a sweet defect! I would o/c mine more but my mobo wont go any faster. Now on to video cards and more cooling.

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Nah ... it's doubtful you got a defective chip.

More likely it's your set-up as many boards unlock the

settings of Tbred chips by default.


My ABIT kr7a is the same way. Just pop it

in and change the settings. ... WHAM! ...

..... 2.1Ghz from a 1.4Ghz chip at stock settings.

Upping the vCore to the max 1.65 will allow me to break 2.4Ghz. :D


As far as best OverClocker ... the Tbred B is a better OCer

that the Tbred A.

Remember, the Tbred B comes in two flavors.

The "normal" 1.6 volt (d'U't3c) and the more rare

"low volt" 1.5 volt (d'L't3c).


"U" = 1.6v

"L" = 1.5v


Here are a two page that you should find useful:

How to Choose the Best AMD Athlon XP Thoroughbred for Overclocking.


AMD - Athlon - Thoroughbred


The dLt3c Tbred B are the chips people are getting amazing

OverClocks from. But they are becoming more and more scarce all the time.

If you cannot find one the dUt3c will do very well too.

Just don't get an "A" if you want to OverClock.


JIUH'B' ... "B" = Tbred B

AIUG'A' ... "A" = Tbred A


And a HOT running Palimino is right out.




Best of luck! ........... 'nnock:D

Edited by Susquehannock

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